Original Post
jusmi's sketchbook
So i've recently started drawing daily for as long as I and my computer can stand it, and I often glance at reference material for hours to help build up my mental library.

Currently my focus is getting better control with my stylus/pencil and anatomy. Anatomy being one of the most challenging things to learn. After I feel I have a firm grasp on anatomy, I will be moving on to learning better color theory, as coloring is my weakest point.

The reason I am posting here is I feel i'd get the best cnc from you guys and I feel more comfortable airing out my laundry here, so to speak, other than places like deviant or conceptart.org

Anyways, expect me to update this thread daily with new sketches, perhaps more than once a day if I am feeling spunky.


Last edited by jusmi; Jun 9, 2014 at 01:19 PM.
Done with this community, you guys suck.