Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Indeed, to what extent can we assign racial attributes?

There are some that are fairly obvious, caucasians, asians, and africans all look different, have different average heights, weights, IQs, even their skeletons are visually different.

But are they 'justified'? Is it OK to go on averages when it may not be true on a case-by-case basis? It's not uncommon for someone who does not fall on the average for their sex/race to be upset about it.

I certainly think it is justified, but that people get really touchey when you start talking about IQ. I know people who've been called racist because they made a joke complimenting a black guy on his dong (it wasn't the black guy that cried racist btw) and comedian Tom Papa has been lambasted for saying that Asians do better in school. Is positive stereotyping racist?