Original Post
Doobies Animated Avatar Shop -Its back!
DOOBIE'S Avatar area!
Right, the request for avatars seems to be high atm, so heres the deal
Im creating avatars out of your favorite replays!
the price will be 500tc-1k, depending on difficlty

Form to Fill
Shaders: On/Off
Replay: please post as an attachment
Special effects: shaky screen, light shining through, reverse replay
Text: Name, Clan, Belt ect

Shader one:
Still Image:

I also dabble in a few sigs, so just tell me what you want(no form needed) price is 5k
Sig Examples:

Owait, im still not finished!
I also do 3D renders, and i Specialise in miltary hardware. o:
Examples: AT Gun render

Tori renderi can do th9is in a cool pose with your textures on

ATM im working on a Vulcan Minigun, and i will post it here when im finished


Get yours today!
Last edited by doobidoo3; Nov 15, 2008 at 11:48 PM.