Originally Posted by asdguy View Post
Hello everybody!I am evil
Nick Names:asdguy

Belt:2nd dan

How do you act in game?:Very polite and not annoying

About how many times do you post on the forums weekly?:I dont really post

Do you use IRC:no

Why are you applying for [Evil]?:I think Evil is the greatest clan EVER!!(in my opinion)

Have you been banned/infracted in the past (if so, for what):nope

Favorite mod?:Akido

Skills outside toribash?:basket ball,soccer,football etc

Current clan you're in (if no clan leave this out):

Vouchers(who would say you're good enough to get in Noone so sad

No from me.

I don't see much information about you here. You could've at least put a bit more information. This application is very unproffesional and it looks like you spent 5 minutes on it max.