Originally Posted by Smiles4Fre View Post
Sadly I can't tell you how it feels like to neceserrily ''graduate'' lol, we don't really do that in my school or in England to be honest.
I came to school one saturday to collect my GCSE results, took a picture with the teachers even though I didn't want to.
Didn't attend prom either, I remember that night I stayed up all evening watching anime x)
and honestly after what you guys would call ''High school'' I really got into gaming a lot more than I used to be.
My favorite Genre odly enough is Japanese dating sims e.e The irony seeing as I didn't go to prom, lel.
How did I start talking about prom? fuck it.
Also I been out for a year <3

Also at $15 an hour!? You are making more money than I do and I work at a returaunt T-T maybe I gotta get a job in avacado fields..
Fml doubt there are any in England would be as hard as finding Vagina in a gaybar.

Wow, that's actually dis-heartening.
Graduations here are a big thing...
i.e. If you don't have atleast 90% attendance, you can't attend, etc.
I feel sorry for you, but I'm glad you finished school.
Prom sounds so lame, I don't think we do that here.
I don't even want to go to my year 12 graduation either, though.
Same, I was just some kid fucking bitches in primary, then highschool hit and everyone was like "daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn"

Yeah, $15 an hour, but I miss the the Saturday after the nexts shit because my mother is going out of town...
That basically means that I have to go to stay with my brother for the whole weekend, as stated earlier.
It's funny though, I work with the same person that drives my school bus.
Entertaining af.

Just won 2 of the 5k tournaments.
proud since I've been rusty for the past few days.
father of philip scone