I am Evil
Nick Names:
My name is leroy van heemst, ToonFox /NoJutsuMe ingame, only active on ToonFox cuz NoJutsuMe got hacked once.

2nd dan blackbelt.

How do you act in game?:
i joke around a lot, im here for fun and competition so i dont rage and stuff, i just play and talk with people and have a good time.

About how many times do you post on the forums weekly?:
atm i do not post anything, ive been kinda inactive, but ive been playing for like a week again and im thinking about getting back to making art, if so i would post a lot more again.

Do you use IRC:
to be completely honest ,i have no idea what that is.. my bad

Why are you applying for [Evil]?: because its always fun to play vs you guys, yall got skills and ive always liked the clan Evil cuz of the members.
i talked to one of the members Damano1 and he told me i could apply for evil so im giving it a shot.

Have you been banned/infracted in the past (if so, for what):
yeah a few years ago, for flaming i think, and multiclient because we played with 2 people in 1 house

Favorite mod?:

Skills outside toribash?:
drawing manga.

What was the last Clan you were in?:
i really dont know anymore, ive been in a lot of clans over the years and have had 3 of myself, last one was Hero

Vouchers(who would say you're good enough to get in):
apex maybe, faced him in gmtourney a lot if he still remembers me, damano1

Do you agree with the [Evil] Code?:
yeah sounds reasonable lol

I am Evil