Originally Posted by FistofLife View Post
The whole Atheist are Hitler argument is stupid in my opinion. It doesn't matter what you believe in or don't believe in, you can be a nice person regardless if you are religious or not.

This was the point I was trying to make. I am not arguing that atheism caused the holocaust, it had nothing to do with the holocaust. My point is that religion had nothing to do with the holocaust either. If someone (read "Cowmeat") says that religious people can be more evil than atheists could because they are religious, I am 100% going to mention all the evil things people don't need religion for. The prime examples, of bad something bad humanity did are the world wars, and more specifically the holocaust, neither of which needed religion. Do you want me to use a larger font or do you understand me now? TBH Hitler didn't need to be an atheist for my argument to work, although it certainly helps.
Good morning sweet princess