Original Post
Operation: "Want to watch" Assassination
Hello, fellow Anime fanatics! Probably no one remembers me since I've since long gone into hiding while pursuing some personal goals and achievement of my own.

But for now, I'm going to be slowly more active watching anime and catching up on those I wish to do.
If you do remember me, you probably remember I had multiple personal anime weekends in the past; and I'm going to be doing that again, although this time it will be more "Adult".

My anime weekends consisted of Friday(After school back then, and work now), until Sunday normal bedtime standards for following work or school day. So approximately 230 episodes of random animes you all suggested or series I was told to watch. I didn't sleep during that anime marathon as much as I could. And I never did it alone!
If you really knew me, I had a daughter at the time(my niece if you want to be that guy) and she would watch it all with me while she was awake. She loves it and loves everything I show her. Alas, since she went off with her real parent, she hasn't watched anything and I haven't really had the time nor wanted to since the lack of motivation.
So, guess who's coming over for the Christmas? That's right! I paid for a round trip ticket so she could come spend the week with me between the 24th to January 1st. My job gave us the whole week between Christmas to New years off, paid in full so I can use that time to do whatever. And since my little girl is going to be on her way, what better chance would it be to watch anime again like old times?

Currently looking for some recommendations to fill up some more time, if you want to see what I have and have not seen just look at my anime-planet account.
I currently have 18 want to watch animes, totaling with 258 episodes. Doing some simple math, I usually skip all openings after the first episode and never watch endings. Usually 21 minutes per anime, 5418 minutes, or 90.3 hours, or better yet 3.7 days of anime. Currently looking for 5 days of anime to watch so I need another 1.3 days of good animes that you think I'd really like.

I will probably update this post with each anime I watch and finish with a general summary of how I liked it, so you guys can decide if you want to watch them too.

Feel free to leave suggestions of what you think I should watch, or ask any general questions you have about me or my daughter.

G'day to you Anime fans