Your Characters Name: Usuo

Your Characters Age (17-90): 23

Your Characters Gender (Male/Female): Male

Your Characters Fighting Style
(Real Martial art or General Sparring): Aikido, Jiu-Jitsu

Your Characters Backstory: I was born in a cave on a rainy day. My mother died in childbirth, my father followed suit, soon after dropping me at a village not far from the forest we had been living in. As he left I knew what would happen. The tragedy of heartbreak is not something you can live with.

Soon after, I was taken under by an aikido master, only known as Kitsune. He raised me, took me under his wing, and trained me up until I was fourteen. The village was attacked then.

The ones who call themselves "Naitoraidā", Night Riders, raided my village; Pillaging our armory, our barracks, our dojo. I was the only one left alive.

I moved into a neighboring village, around fifteen miles away, and found another dojo. This one, for Jiu-Jitsu.

The sensei there, Sutōnbureikā, taught me the ways of kicking, striking, and grappling.
As I aged, and became less innocent, I had developed an insatiable desire to find and kill the Naitoraidā, to avenge my friends and first master, and save many more villages from the underlying terror that might await them.

Your Characters personality: Mischievous, thick-headed, kind, saddened.

Will your character be a regular?: yes
(Will you be active enough to keep replays
coming in when needed?) most likely yes.

What is the easiest way to reach you?
(PM, Skype, Email, Discord?) I'll PM you my skype, discord, and email. All of these are good for contacting me.