Original Post
The Deadly Beam

Hello all you challengers, who're gonna risk your life for glory and fame.

You, who'll face the (possibly)deadly challenge of the The Deadly Beam !
You're alone against everything, so be courageous and walk(or run) !

You have to dodge sharp things, blunt things, circular sawthings and other sweet things, while being on a narrow beam.
Mod: tdbfinal.tbm
The best overall replay is declared the winner!

You can't touch the beam with more than 3 limbs at the same time.
No stealing of other peoples replays.
No replay hacking.
You may only use -20, -25 and -30 grav.
You may not submit replays with multiple accounts.

1st place: + 10ST + 30k

2nd place: + 5ST + 20k


You have exactly 1 month(31 days) from the start date!
Start date is now btw.

You may update your replays as many times as you want before deadline!
But remember to edit your original entry replay-post to avoid confusion or and spam.

If you have any questions you can ask them here or in #Events on the irc!
Attached Files
tdbfinal.tbm (30.1 KB, 522 views)
Last edited by MagikerN; May 14, 2017 at 07:01 PM.
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3