Original Post
womb departure Anniversaries Thread
Post your birthday below, and i'll add you to the birthday boy list so we can give you presents and stuff!

Clan dudes only:

DD/MM - Birthday Boy

08/01 - Tree
11/01 - Typhon
23/01 - Krong
20/05 - Surge
04/12 - Tabby
09/09 - Saturn
26/05 - Quack
23/07 - Swosh
DD/MM - Other idiots who aren't in the clan but deserve the love anyway:

06/04 - Plus
04/11 - basic
04/12 - Life
08/05 - Joel
08/01 - Tree
12/01 - Hell/U4SE
Last edited by Saturn; Feb 4, 2020 at 08:12 PM. Reason: removed some old guys(rip the legends and added myself cause i know have that power u fucks good luck containing me idiots