i cnced the earlier version on the 1st page my bad

everything up until 310 is fine, its not super woah impressive stuff but u clearly meant to do it and it doesn't look bad so sist is satfistafactory

at frame 300 the little heli kick u did to make him spin is super ugly, in future when u do a kick or push something with ur leg, keep it atleast held or extended 2 put emphasis on it, looks pretty dumb when u dont

the way u came out of the heli kick looked bad too, u sort of stopped halfway through the spin and just flipped over and reset

landing pos was awkward (pause at 240) and u ghosted a whole gosh damrn lot

i am unaware of why u contracted ur right wrist at 217 but that looked bad
everything from the heli kick to like frame 175 is pretty poop y but at 175 that position has pretty good potential to continue the manip

im not sure if u actually want to go through with the decap like that because it looks like ur about to start doing a good manip then u ruin it with a tk decap

i dont think ur terrible because ur movement at the start was fine but i feel like u set very low standards for urself in the replay and just kind of winged it

donot do that

everything still applies though except for the dm part
Last edited by Dezrai; Nov 9, 2017 at 06:22 PM.