Original Post
[REL&WiP]Real Skateboarding
Here's another WiP



-The Infamous(to me anyway) Balance System to keep you on your board

-Realistic Board complete with concave

-Uses force to push you to start you in the way of the obstacles (something KoEdeath's skateboard mod was missing)

For now, there is only ramp and Ramp+Rail. Will make a quarter-pipe and a no obstacle version very soon

Version 2 Released

-Better, Thinner Board

-Bigger Wheels

-Larger Pushstart

-Epic win

Attached Files
skateboard.tbm (3.9 KB, 2207 views)
skateboardRAIL.tbm (4.0 KB, 1596 views)
skateboard2.tbm (3.8 KB, 1474 views)
skateboard2stair.tbm (4.7 KB, 1256 views)
skateboard2stairrail.tbm (5.1 KB, 1556 views)
skateboard2run1.tbm (5.0 KB, 1249 views)
skateboard2FUNBOX.tbm (5.0 KB, 1532 views)
Last edited by Smilies2; Mar 8, 2009 at 02:20 AM.
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out