Original Post
[REL] Crash Test. With Uke instead of dummy.
So, basically, you stand at the end of a fairly long lane, and Uke is at the other end, standing at the base of a crash test chair. Y'know, the kind that accelerates and stops suddenly, causing whatever person in the chair to fly out at high speeds. Also, behind you is a conveniently placed wall, complete with collision damage and so on, making a high-speed collision very dangerous... But where to get that collision? ;o

As you can see, i took one image every fifth frame... Just to be a little merciful on your bandwidth. The collision is still quite dangerous though. Also, relax-all'ing Uke makes him sit in the chair.

I've made two versions of this: First one (CrashTest.tbm) has a standard, non-bouncy wall, and the second one (CrashTest2.tbm) has a bouncy wall, that makes collisions more... Bouncy. Not as extreme as you'd expect from me though!


NOTE: I am fully aware that another mod in this theme has been made, but they are different in that Uke is the projectile in this one. The other one is names "crashcar.tbm", and is made by everyone's favourite Poptart.

Update! Now with a multiplayer version (CrashTestMP.tbm), which i'll upload MYSELF...

Attached Files
CrashTest.tbm (2.0 KB, 172 views)
CrashTest2.tbm (2.0 KB, 175 views)
CrashTestMP.tbm (2.5 KB, 150 views)
Last edited by Shook; Jan 19, 2009 at 09:04 PM.
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