Original Post
Sat's Unfortunate Turn of Events
Hey friendo's
So some interesting shit is going down at the moment

My car is no where to be found, I parked it in the car park for my apartments around 01:00 (-6gmt). I slept most of the day from the long work shift the day before. I wanted to go out to the convenient store to get some groceries and a pack of smokes around 23:00 on 7/2/'18. Got dressed after talking to my brother about some stuff we had planned to do next month. Taking a road trip up to the east coast, just yacking off about how that drive is going to blow.
So I proceeded to walk down stairs, slowly getting my shit together. Even got to the point where I pulled out a smoke and lit it. Walking down the car park to the public parking or "guest" parking. As only 1 spot gets reserved parking my twat of a brother decided to snipe it from my grasp the day before. So walking down to where the "mere mortals" park. Walking with my headphones in listening to some bull shit while dragging off the cigarette, then I see it...

My car just isn't in the row I'm sure I parked in?

I blew it off, thought maybe I just forgot where I parked it and started checking the normal rows my car would take up for the night.

Row by row.. I kept getting more nervous, ended up walking the whole damn car park 3 or 4 times...

I started to panic thought maybe I parked in a reserved spot like a unsigned handicap (our car park has a few where the signs have fallen and haven't been replaced quite yet) but I didn't think so.

My next conclusion was that my car was stolen, holy shit that scares the absolute f out of me. Not only my car, but my bike, and even my lively hood. My backseat was never used, so I always kept my bike in my car, in case I ever got off work and wanted to go hit up the trails or the skatepark down the street.

So I called the police department to see if my car was recently towed, only 1 problem with that. I got re-routed between 3 different dispatches. According to them my apartment complex is in the dead middle of 3 counties, 3 fully separate police departments. Oh and the one that supposedly deals with the apartments issues, is the only one that doesn't have a call center for the issue at hand. Only emergency calls and reroutes to some bullshit hotlines...

This is where I'm at, at the time of typing this first bit at least. I'll get the department on the phone later this morning and hopefully get it solved. And if my car wasn't towed, but rather stolen.. I could careless about getting a new car, but the bike is what stresses me out. I have over $2500 poured into it with some special order parts. Hopefully my shit just got towed under stupidity and doesn't come down to me having to deal with police.


So it did get towed, gonna fight the fee because it was labeled as a "Van Accessible" Handicap spot but there was no "no-parking" area next to it like normal :thonking: gonna see if I can get the 319.95$ reverted back into my pocket because tbch complete bullshittery. but I have my car, and my bike so all is well.
Last edited by Saturn; Jul 3, 2018 at 11:58 PM.
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

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