Originally Posted by Oopyuman View Post
Toribash begins to get more and more laggy as I enlarge the frames for the new keyframes until it crashes (The dots from the trail or curve become too many), anyone have a solution for this? I consider my computer being pretty good, but yet it still lags with the interface on.

Try turning the shaders off. I guess that's the only thing you can do.
Signature temporarily out of order.
Love the script. However it seems like you can't save any cams you set up which is rather bad. Would love to see it in there sometime.
PM me with any and all questions
who the hell would want to use the same camera movements more than once? every replay is different...
oh yeah
Originally Posted by DeaThDAN View Post
a tutorial would be helpful can't figure out how to use it

Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Red Points: The camera's position at a given frame.
Pink Points: Curve modifier. Place these wherever you want to manipulate the curve between two red points.
Blue Points: The camera's lookat point at a given frame.
Teal Points: Curve modifier for lookat curve.
Black Points: The position curve.
Grey Points(Not Pictured): The lookat curve.
Note: The entire curve will not be shown at once. If you try to draw that many points at one time, toribash shits a brick and crashes.

O - Show/Hide everything
Y/U - Next/Previous point on selected line
H - Switch lines
N - Enter/Exit Path Follow Mode
G - Place a new pair of points at current Frame
Q - Clear all points
Simply drag the points where you want them. Hold shift to raise/lower them.

Here's a tut made by someone else. I think it's pretty nice, and more in depth than anything I've written.

Bumping this because I want to use it.
Trying to use it with the latest 4.6 but you can't change the vertical height of the balls.
Shift doesn't work, any solutions?

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.