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[General]Top picks
I'm sure you have all seen some sort of list of someones top something. I like reading them and talking about them so I thought we should have our own little group of top picks for game related things.

Some rules to by:
Don't post just one thing. Example: "My favorite game is X."
Please use spoilers, If you have a list like "Best moments," having a wall of text is not very fun.
By all means, comment on other peoples opinions, but don't call other's opinions wrong or stupid.

My list:

All time favorite games

Favorite RPGs

Multiplayer games


Ill update me list at a later date.
Here's my list. The list goes from Best to Ok

The Best


The Newfegs

Dengue is a wizard.
[Nitro] | (KnC) | [Monk] | Gamer's Inc. | ViperTech and Cheshyre fanboy
Well, I guess I'm gonna add some lists too, on which the games are sorted in no particular order, because deciding is too hard.

Also obviously there are no games in here that I haven't played.

Here's my list of my favorite sp games:

Top singleplayer

I like me some good platformer. Sadly there aren't too many good ones. So have this:

Top platformers

Sometimes I play multiplayer stuff too:

Top multiplayer

Yeh, probably forgot a lot of stuff though.
Last edited by threedog2; Aug 21, 2014 at 08:49 PM. Reason: Added Top platformers
[AEON] - Never stop fear us!
my patrician lists



Last edited by mWah; Aug 22, 2014 at 06:53 PM.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
only fighting game that even has a slight chance of comparing to ultra is 3rd strike (which should be under godtier but i forgot so whatever)
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.