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Joint HP Regeneration
So guys, I was wondering how fast joint hp regenerates. I know that the dm/frac threshold is how much hp a joint has, but how fast does it regenerate?
Its not about hp, the joint has to experience that amount of force at a given moment for it to break.

I guess you could say the regeneration was instantaneous.


Last edited by SmallBowl; May 16, 2017 at 05:30 PM.
I think that damage can stack up. Some dm/fracs are instant and others are a combination of multiple hits.

For example: two 50 point hits on the same spot dm with a threshold of 100.
Last edited by ThatNnja; Apr 7, 2015 at 12:24 AM.
The last hit will have had to be 100 for the joint to break, I'm 95℅ sure. But I can see that there would be confusion because the joints go red, but that's just to show they've been hit
The redder the joint, the more damage it's taken.
There's a damage scale type thing but I believe it's broken atm.

All you need to know is that in essentiality, the total damage a joint can take is determined by the dismemberment threshold. The higher that number is the more damage it takes. So long as the damage caused by all the hits totals up to the dismemberment threshold, the joint will break. That being said, the joints recover decently fast. Not wildly fast, but after 50 frames the damage should be gone.
If you hit a joint and it's red, but you wait to hit again you may not get a dm/fracture.
If you hit the joint, it's red, and you hit again and you get a dm/fracture it's because the joint has already withheld a certain amount of damage and will collapse at more. If you wait the percentage is weaker unless you do something strong. I guess you could say it "regenerates" when it slowly goes back to white (or whatever force color/joints you have).
I believe just up top my bud dscigs said they regenerate in about 50 frames, but why do you want to know all this? It doesn't actually change anything to your skill, I've known this forever and never even thought of it in-game.
you have your mind set on the idea that regenerating hp is something good but really it doesn't do a thing, your elbow could be untouched or it could be the deepest shade of red without actually being frac'd, they will function the same. The only time a joint's mobility is affected by damage is if it is fractured (turns purple and you can no longer control it) or dismembered (the joint just flat out breaks off the body).
and to cover all my bases regeneration does not have anything to do with the points, they will not be subtracted if you somehow have that idea. and no a fractured arm can not mend itself once your body part is fractured it stays that way until the match is over.
Last edited by Day; Apr 7, 2015 at 07:30 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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