yeah suck...unless you decide to buy my set.

Cuz you ruined my whole thread on that one head!!!

Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]

Thanks for all bidders

Ehm, i think p3rfection won this auction, he wanted to autobuy first, and he has the Tc For that, but chalky dont

Well Congratulatins p3rfection.

Send me a private message with your email (No hotmail-mails please) and then i send you the Textures.

Btw thanks p3rfection that you posted your first and second post in my thread :o)

Well then, just send me the tc 45000

Torishop-> Transfer-> Type in amount of tc, and my name. and mabye write a message (Be sure you type my name right, elseway your tc go somewhere else O.o)

As additional message you can write your mail, and i send you your Textures as fast as i can :o)

How to make Textures: Ehm, there are several Tutorials, and also some art makers give tutorials.
mabye ask someone, sometimes you got to pay,but normally they give it for free

Thanks for all Bidders! Nobuddie

TC are sending... I PM-ed ...
They are sent!

Last edited by p3rfection; Dec 3, 2008 at 10:18 AM.
"A Church Divided Is No Church At All." - Jacque Fresco