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[SMOD] Punch-Out!!

You don't have to fight Mike Tyson.

Make a replay of you and Uke sparring.
This sparring match won't be an ordinary one, what you have to do is mimic a real life prizefighting match.
That means you can't kick, you can only punch. Avoid touching the floor with anything else than your feet, that counts as a knockout.
Gravity setting 0 0 -30 must be used for this.

The most action rich and realistic replay wins.

- On the case of knockouts, you may touch the ground for extra drama. -
Not allowed:
- Kicking -
- Using mods -
- Not flipping around, try to be balanced -
- Try to avoid spinning, too -
- Checking out boxing videos -

Q: Does the replay have to be created specifically for this event? Or can it be an old one?
A: We'd like it very much if it was specificially just for this event. Ya know, that shows determination!

Q: I can't do this!
A: True, it is not easy to do a good replay, but this wouldn't be a competitive event if there wasn't any challenge, am I right? Just keep tryin' ye basterd!

Flame: Foot Flamies
Flame number 2583 and 2584. You can choose for which foot you want the flame.
First place prize only!

You have 3 weeks to create your replays. Judging starts in 2013.10.5.

Last edited by Tonakai; Apr 22, 2013 at 02:25 PM.