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Calling Things Gay
So I’ve played this game and various others for a while, and one thing that is consistent with a large percent of the people I talk to is calling things “gay” in a derogatory way. Based on the replies of this thread, it is pretty clear that most people who use it do not mean any harm towards gay people and just say it because a lot of people do (which is what I figured).

I’m curious about everyone's thoughts on it though. I personally get that it’s just become a thing people say and often isn’t meant in a homophobic way, but I feel like for gay guys specifically, it could still cause harm based on the context that it is used in. From how i see it, a lot of times it is used in situations that go along with stereotypes for gay men (such as being weak because they're often more feminine, ex: a person doesn't want to do something and someone else calls them gay). Some people who aren't comfortable with their sexuality and see this happening a lot could be harmed by it whether someone means harm or not. If it were some random saying that had nothing to do with actual gay people, then I wouldn't really care since there are sayings such as "dick" that don't have any correlation to how it is used. And even if it does, there are ones for men and women, so it's not like it's only done with one side like "gay" is.

I don’t expect people to stop saying it or anything, I just want to hear what you guys actually think about it.

Edit: Also, maybe I should should just explain a bit more why aim bringing this up. I am gay. I'm also a girl so I've never really felt like people calling things gay a lot had much to do with me, but if I had been a guy, I feel like it wouldn't have affected me a bit in accepting it and all. It did however cause me to be unsure of how supportive the gaming community is of LGBT people, and for that reason I haven't told a lot of people.

And please, if you’re gonna post, read all the other posts and stop assuming that this is something that offends me when I’ve specified several times that it doesn’t bother me, I’m just curious what people would think if I brought it up.
Last edited by Budsi; Jan 15, 2019 at 10:23 PM.