Original Post
30k plus some items for a head
Now, the head is supposed to be a bit cartoonish.

This is gonna be a female ninja, with the standard ninja mask. The eyes should be beetle brown, and the hair black. Use classic anime eyes, and do three versions: "^^" , pissed and neutral. The mask itself should be crimson, but try to make it as recolourable as possible.

Your payment? Well, 30k, plus some feb promo items.
hmmm, i can do better than this...

i'll give it a go. feb promos? like what?

so i will try, ninja mask, crimson, with black hair falling out and over the bottom of the mask, three faces, anything on the back?

and about it being recolorable, i'll try and make a black and white version, but when you say recolor, does that mean you want to recolor it or you want me to recolor it?
◕ ◡ ◕ [VIP]
Like perhaps some Ivory and Tyrian crap.

EDIT: Oh, by recolourable I mean try to make it have not too many different shades so it'll be easy to recolour when the time comes.

EDIT2: Nope, nothing on the back. But add details like the loose ends of the mask.

EDIT3: Sorry, make it have a BADGEY HUMAN SHADE OF COLOUR.

Also, the current attempts kind of don't use classic anime eyes.
Last edited by OK9ZERA; Feb 28, 2009 at 09:48 AM.
here are some beginnings of the heads i'm working on. and of course things can be changed.

let me know what you like and dislike about it. keep in mind its only the beginning of them, i'll add details and whatnot if you would like.
"The only thing your first breath leads to is your last."
seems like a couple of you have taken on dengue's style....

Rexton, that's nice

I've never had too much luck with female heads

The payment is very tempting though....

I'll think it over. meanwhile GL with ur req.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Yay. Yeah, Rexton, yours is nice, but make it crimson and make the skin badge. Also, I'm not a fan of those glowy eyes. By the way, shall state the actual items you will receive soon.

EDIT: Beaner, bit too simple, and the wrong shade of colour. Can't anyone read?
As for the actual mask, use Crimson

EDIT2: Oh yeah, and, Rexton, those aren't classic anime eyes in the first one. Though it's still nice.
Last edited by OK9ZERA; Mar 1, 2009 at 04:12 AM.