Originally Posted by yuki View Post

I think you should make safetrading with N⁰ of matches won as a condition available.

Ex: A: TC to be received from X: 1970

Condition: IF A wins 4 matches out of 7 against X

Now that I let the suspense build…. Haha jk I’m sorry this too so long to respond :v

This would, in essence, would be a safeduel feature. I have tried to make this happen but the issue is that this is not near as simple as it sounds. It would take months of behind the scenes work, and as it stands it would take too much time away from much bigger and more important things that would benefit the whole community as opposed to a small portion of the community who probably wouldn’t really use it much. But I do see the appeal for this feature, and I would absolutely push harder for it if it was simpler to do, but unfortunately it’s not. I’m sorry friend.

Also hi everyone! Just a reminder that this is still open and I’d love to hear from you all : P

If you’re shy you can also always DM me on Discord as well! Love you guys!
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