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Controversial Replay Element Definitions
This is a debate thread about replays. This is for the debate of, and eventual compromise of, the definitions of disputed replay elements, eg: boomhit. Make a clear and concise argument as to why a replay element should be defined a certain way. Example replays are a great tool as well, eg: "The hit in frame 402 is clearly a boomhit, yet yadda yadda yadda."

Feel free to suggest a term to debate or debate for any of the existing terms. Terms can apply to any aspect of replays, whether it be realism, madmans, record breaking, or anything else.

I have not included my personal opinions in this first post because this is not an agenda thread. It is intended to bring a greater uniform understanding about replay elements that have had multiple competing definitions or any other controversy.

Terms to debate:
  • Boomhit - Do all of the dms need to be in one frame? How many dms are needed? What about simultaneous hits?
  • Uke Assistance - Is ripping parts off of Uke and using them for momentum Uke Assistance or is it only Uke Assistance when the joints of Uke are used to benefit you?
  • Madman - Can your replay be a madman from achieving a certain amount of dismemberments? A set number of hits that dismember? Or are madmans just a qualitative term for a 'crazy replay with lots of breaks'?

Resolved terms:
None yet.
Last edited by Tamer0; Sep 18, 2009 at 07:25 AM.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well

Generally, the lowest amount of dismemberments to achieve a boomhit seems to be 3. Personally, I've seen quite a few replay makers agree on that. As for the matter of whether the hits are in the same frame or not, I believe there used to be a term for multiple dismemberments over a small amount of frames - a shatterhit. Whether the definition has been changed by the public is beyond me (yay for inactivity spells) but I personally think that boomhits are 3+ dismemberments in the one frame and shatterhits would be 3+ dismemberments over the course of several frames.


Uke Assistance:

Now this is a grey area indeed. As I've posted before, the way I see 'without uke assistance' is that the same outcome of the replay could be achieved if uke didn't even exist during the course of the replay. 'With uke assistance' would then consist of both moving uke to help you and using uke in any other way to gain an advantage (such as gaining momentum from throwing uke's limbs downwards when you jump and jumping onto uke's head say, and then launching off that, possibly allowing you a higher height than otherwise).


These are my opinions on the cases anyway, feel free to post differing thoughts as that's what this thread is all about. Let's see if we can decide on these as a community eh?

Also, a suggestion for another term to debate on, what is a madman? Breaking uke's arms, legs and neck off? A set amount of dismemberments? (I've heard 6-7 dismemberments being called the definition of a madman before) Lots of meanings for it have floated around for a while.
Last edited by Tamer0; Sep 18, 2009 at 07:17 AM.
Boomhit- at least two (2) dismembers within three (3) frames of each other from the contact of one (1) bodily piece or from the simultaneous contact of two (2) bodily pieces on one (1) area

Uke Assistance- manipulating the joints of Uke to aid in performance
I think uke assistance is only okay when you're making a highthrow with your tori's body or when you make headpassing replays and such. Other than that, it's not recommended.

As for the boomhits, I think simultaneous hits are invalid mainly because it's not in one hit you get the dismemberments, but in two. The idea of boomhits is to, in one frame, dismember several joints of uke in one hit.

I guess this is what I wanted to mention.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
To me, a boomhit is one hit that does three dismemberments. It does not have to be in one frame.

Uke assistance should only be used in headpass replays, sparring, and to add momentum when doing a trick.

Madmans imo, is a destructive replay that contains atleast five dismemberments.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
Madmans imo, is a destructive replay that contains atleast five dismemberments.

in my personal opinion, i see a madman as being a replay where at least the head, legs and arms are removed from the torso, everything inbetween simply adding to this.
oh yeah
I have always used this post by archlups as the definition for madman and boomhit. Personally for madman I have always used the "certain number of DMs (namely 8-) in rapid succession...though honestly looking back at some point a madman became any replay where uke is broken into four or more parts, not counting wrist, elbow, or knee dismemberment...probably from Jdawg comps.

As for Uke assistance I would think any movement of Uke by the player (i.e. joint manipulation) would count...the question then becomes is this really negative?

EDIT: ok, that post doesn't define boomhit, but for some reason I have always seen it as a single strike which dismembers three or more joints at once. I have always thought of it as being in the same frame, though that could be disputed I guess.
Last edited by deady; Sep 18, 2009 at 08:34 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I thinnk boom doesnt have to be done in one frame but in one kick/punch/touch

ithink madman is 6+ dms

Also i'd like to ask is core hit counts as a boom?(examples are in sig)
Okay, I'm going to start by addressing "Uke Assistance". I really only think it's a bad thing if you actually move Uke's joints. But if you say, break off his arm, catch it, and use his arm to break off his hip or decap him...SICKNESS! More power to you. That's tough to do! Even using his body parts to gain momentum is acceptable in my book, because you're still only using what you have at your immediate disposal, the tools you have, or the tools you've made for yourself.

And as for madmans...I figure madmans should be at least 4 or 5 dms. But I always defined madmans by STYLE, rather than number of dismemberments. Instead of using strikes and strategic grabs and such, madmans, to me, were always more about wild grasping and animalistic ripping and tearing to make a brutal scene with lots of damage, regardless of how many limbs come off.

Boomhit - Three or more DMs over the course of 1-3 frames caused by one hit.
Uke Assistance - When Uke's joints are moved to assist with a certain action.
Madman - At least 4 hits that DM (meaning at least 4 'crack' sounds) in a quick succession (no more than 100 frames in between DMs).