Original Post
Think you are Serious Business? Apply here!
Serious Business is accepting applications for now.
Any format other than this format will not be accepted.
Favorite Mods:
How you will benefit this clan:
Past clans:
Past run ins with the law:

Good luck!
Username: SmileyJones
GMT: GMT-6, I'm pretty sure. Central US time.
Favorite Mods: I luurve sambo, but aikido, kickboxing, taekkyon and lenshu are fun too.
Qi: 2160
How you will benefit this clan: I'm pretty active and trying my hardest to improve every day. I play in whatever tourneys I see, even if I'm not familiar with the mod. I value politeness and sportsmanship, even when playing against people who don't.
Past Clans: None! This is my first application.
Past Run-ins with the Law: None, thankfully.
Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.
Hmm. I like your grammar. Based on your application alone, I'd say yes, but I'd like to witness you in-game if I may. I may hide under an alt's name though. Otherwise, think you can handle us?
Originally Posted by Albel View Post
Hmm. I like your grammar. Based on your application alone, I'd say yes, but I'd like to witness you in-game if I may. I may hide under an alt's name though. Otherwise, think you can handle us?

He has some good sambo replays here.
I think I can handle it. I know how to not die all the time, and how to punch people's arms off. :D

If you want me to get in a server, just give me the word.
Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.
Originally Posted by Albel View Post
He's got my vote. Maturity in-game.

He doesn't talk much, but when he does, you're right.

Afaik, He's in.
Waiting on steveirwin to intervene. Otherwise, welcome to the clan.