Original Post
New Freelance Song buying for 10-30k
i want someone to make me a new clan Song

must involve techno, electric guitar and drums

would also like: We Work Hard We Play Hard and We Hit Even Harder in the song, must also have Freelance in the song

ask any more questions if u need to

the winner will get 10-30k depending on how good it is
wait u want vocals? b/c w/o vocals i could whip up some instrumental pumpup music for ya
Since when did I become Asian?
im gonna give this a try ive actually made a couple techno songs by just messing around with my software and i gots a speaker thingy and effects expect one this week kai...if not i phailed at it lol

and could i have a sample of wut your last song sounded like?
wow wow wow

u want someone to MAKE a song!?!?

thats asking a lot dude
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im not asking u to dictate my pricing im asking who WILL accept this and u never know when a talented person see's this wins and gets a full 30k

sure as hell beats waiting untill ur 6th dan to earn that amount

also Xero i dont want it to sound like my last 1 i just want it to be heavy and fast and with the other requirements

sorta like Linkin Park papercut or 1 step closer
Last edited by RiseAgainst; Nov 27, 2007 at 06:12 AM.
Tell me if it needs anything else.
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