Original Post
Picture Competition
If any one of you want to post in some cool ]ViRuS[ pics then please do so here.
We will have an election starting for the best pic to make as our flag!
Attached Images
VIRUS.jpg (33.7 KB, 17 views)
Attached Files
VIRUS.jpg_thumb (31.7 KB, 8 views)
Re: Picture Competition
Would my profile picture count as one if it was a virus that made his head come off?
Re: Picture Competition
Just playing with some ideas :P


Clan tag:

Interchangeable, of course.

Tell me if you like/don't like and what you want.

C&C welcome, just brainstorming here

Re: Picture Competition That's my dA, just browse my gallery and tell me what you want ;)

I have about 100 signatures that I am too lazy to add, might post a random one here every now and then :P
Re: Picture Competition
here it's not very good but it's hard on paint

any proggrames i could have that are easier
Attached Files
virus flag.tga (1.99 MB, 20 views)
virus flag.tga_thumb (17.7 KB, 7 views)
I Threathened the wrong person!