Original Post
20k tc For Desktop Backgrounds
I want a Hampa Background
a veb Background
a Cevius Background
a Suomynona Background
a MBK Background

i will pay 20k to the person who brings me the best made Backgrounds for these 5 admins and try to get them done before the end of Christmas day please.

make them look awsome cause i will be handing these to the admins themselves as gifts.
its 20k for all of them and i only decided to do this cause....well i just thought of it

it doesn't have to be finished by tomorow but it makes more sense to give a gift on Christmas and not after or before.
wish you told me earlier. :/

Might have a shot if I can get a decent picture of them.

EDIT:// can u tell me what colour joint(s) they have, or do I just use default?
EDIT2:// what resolution?
Last edited by Jam0864; Dec 24, 2007 at 12:07 PM.
ummmm not sure

i think 1024 by 768 or somthing


has anyone started on this yet?

sorry for the double post
Last edited by Lightningkid; Dec 26, 2007 at 01:44 AM. Reason: what double post?