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Spank your kids?
So. How do you guys feel about children being spanked? Are/were you spanked? Do/would you spank your own children?

I was never spanked as a child.

I'm 100% against it. It's nothing more than a lazy method of discipline used by parents which are too stupid to realise that other methods work or too lazy to put in the work the other methods require. When in a child's life is violence going to used as away of teaching someone a lesson, never. Your boss doesn't pop you in the face if you're late for work. It teaches children, to use violence to enforce their own believes or get what they want.

I don't have children, but when I do my top concern is to prevent them from physical harm, not inflict it upon them.
I was smacked as a kid (I was particuarly boisterous as a child) and it definately taught me not to do certain things again. Of course, it depends on the child. One child may take the physical punishment as a clear message that something is bad and that it should not be done again (positive), or, as Fee said, another child may take aboard the message that violence is the solution to their problems (negative).
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
I think that perents spank their children overstrained with certain situations. So it was for my mum. When she spanked me, it was for lack of alternatives . My father never smacked me because he knows how to educate me just verbaly and I think on overall this is the better way. (No offense mum, i know I was really annoying sometimes )
Last edited by Addicter; Feb 10, 2010 at 11:21 PM.
Originally Posted by Addicter View Post
I think that perents spank their children overstrained with certain situations. So it was for my mum. When she spanked me, it was for lack of alternatives . My father never smacked me because he knows how to educate my just verbaly and I think on overall this is the better way. (No offense mum, i know I was really annoying sometimes )

Same as above. My mum stopped when I was about 13 and jumped out the way, causing her to break a finger on the wall
Originally Posted by Guv_na View Post
EDIT: Also Fee, that's a generalization, I know plenty of people who were physically disciplined as children and to this day wouldn't hurt a fly. (That I know of)

I'm sure most people who were spanked as children are ok, but the potential for it teaching wrong lessons in early life is there. I mean sure they grew out of it, but was that the case in nursery or primary school?

Originally Posted by Marco View Post
I was smacked as a kid (I was particuarly boisterous as a child) and it definately taught me not to do certain things again. Of course, it depends on the child. One child may take the physical punishment as a clear message that something is bad and that it should not be done again (positive), or, as Fee said, another child may take aboard the message that violence is the solution to their problems (negative).

I agree with you that some most probably most, will take it as a clear lesson to behave and I mean that works, but there is other far less cruel methods to disciplining children.

The bluntest way I can put it, you can't legally walk out onto the streets and hit a random stranger, you can go to your friend's house and hit him and you can't hit your girlfriend/wife. So why should we be aloud to hit our children? They are almost treated like our property, which is completely wrong, we have control over them until they are well developed enough to manage their own well being, but they are in no way ours to do as we like with.
Last edited by Fee; Feb 10, 2010 at 11:33 PM.
Generally I'm against it, but there's no single approach that works for every kid.
Some parents tend to forget the whole point and beat their kids as a form of retribution rather than corrective measure. In my ideal world, i think physical punishment should only be used in case the kid does something intentionally and contrary to your warnings (eg, not break a vase by accident). Maybe even use 3 strikes system.


Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Some parents tend to forget the whole point and beat their kids as a form of retribution rather than corrective measure.

Yeah, I agree with you there.

I mean sitting in work and watching a parent shout their head off and smack a child around the pack of the head for dropping a basket, is hellish to watch. I swear I find it difficult to bite my tongue in situations like that.
Discipline is necessary. Verbal discipline is not always adequate.

I don't care what the hippies say - I want my child to stay in line when out in society, not being in jail when they are 18, thanks.

If you take behaviourist theory, you will see that physical discipline is a punisher, rather than negative reeinforcement. There are certainly better ways to "correct" child behaviour (Negative reinforcement), but neither behaviourism or I think that punishers should never be used. Sometimes you need to use a punisher.

Should you smack someone elses kids? Nope!
First we broadcast such "child-unfriendly" comercials and then we wonder why the birth-rate is decreasing (made me laugh anyway...)

What a mad world...
Don't take me serious. If you feel offended... I'm just kidding.