Originally Posted by Ginkey View Post
Also let's say we're using a a shader with a sun. What if we go out side the cylinder. Once we're outside, will we be able to to the sun and all the horizon and stuff like that, In a shape of a dome, Half-cylinder as you put? Hope you understand

Nope, once your outside the dome i think everything is the color as the sky, or maybe it the horizon. Not quite sure but its one of the two.

Originally Posted by Ginkey View Post
I have some few questions.
So if we throw a part of uke, like let's say his groin, very high up in the air, will it disappear at one point, then reappear?

Yes but it will only reappear oif it comes back inside the dome, but i think it will be kinda hard to do that, its a really big dome at distance 100
@Ginkey: I tested the limit. The body part gets to edge of the dome then goes outside. Outside the dome you don't see the sun but the horizon is the same.
thanks for all of this Zas .but the problem is when the blood splatters on the floor why is it gray?
@Ricky :are you using 3.9?
i trust in god :D