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[Replays]Sunny's Realism Tutorial

Before diving into this tutorial, I recommend brushing through this, to begin to understand how to move your tori naturally.

Installment 1 - Realism in Running

When you'd like to be realistic when running, you'll have to be familiar with relaxing all, and holding joints. First of all when running you'll need to know the basics.

1.) You'll need to learn how to maneuver your tori in -30.00 gravity.
2.) You'll also need to know how to keep your tori balanced, and how to push off to begin running.

To run realistically you must first get down some basic push offs.
Like these:
Pushing Off #1
Pushing Off #2
Pushing Off #3
(There you can already see the basics of a realistic run.)

Then, here comes the realism. Once you start going try keeping yourself stable by using your lumbar, glutes, and neck. This will keep you looking smooth as you begin to pick up speed.

Fact: Most people don't now it but holding some joints, and using the neck, and wrists can highly increase smoothness and realism.

Always remember to THINK about your next move, and imagine as if you were doing the moves in real life. Think, "if I were really running, what would I do?" I know most people don't think about this on a daily basis, but try it out. Walk around, or do a short sprint in your house, analyze the way your body moves and take that movement to Toribash!
Instructional Video on Running

In this replay, there is some tumbling, as well as general movement that I've learned from simply watching gymnastics videos and re-creating them. This is what you will be able to achieve after following these guides!

Now for the BIG question everyone always asks about. Turning. Turning is one of, what I think, is the most challenging trick to a runner. The main joints you will need are:
1. The lumbar
2. The chest
3. The hips

You are going to have the mindset of again, moving in real life. Normally when turning while running, you will want to shift your weight to the opposite way you want to turn. If you want to turn left, you shift your weight to the right hips, and swing your body facing the opposite direction. This will keep you upright, and keep the motion smooth. If you begin to fall down while turning, always try to use your hands. But, do NOT, get crazy with it. Don't flip your entire body over using one hand, it looks pretty bad. Just try to push yourself forward, or into a different position, rubbing your hand off the ground gradually.

Installment 2 - Single Player | Kicking Tips

My personal favorite aspect about single player is kicking. When you kick, it can cause enormous damage to uke, while being able to keep a clean motion.

1) You will first need to learn how to begin a kick
A kick needs a good base, we'll call this your beginning stance. The ideal stance would be legs apart, and arms in opposite formations. Meaning, if your right hand is going forward, your left hand should be behind you. This will give you the perfect amount of room to gain speed and momentum

2) Next is the moment, we'll call this your wind up. Now, if your legs are apart, and arms opposite of each other, now you will need to swing your body to the opposite side you are facing. Meaning, if you are facing left, swing your body right. Try to use your hips and such, to keep your balance and formation nice and smooth.

All that's left is the kick itself. Try to line up with whichever part you want to kick, aim and fire away. I tend to hold my ankle when kicking upward, as it helps to dig underneath the joint, for more breaks.

Last edited by Sunny; Jun 2, 2011 at 05:54 PM. Reason: updaaaate
Nice tutorial, could use a little more, but what you have is good.

Just remember,
Originally Posted by ronalds
I do not expect to see tutorials showing how to do a move on toribash. The only exception to this is if you are creating an indepth tutorial on techniques and/or advice in toribash.

I'd say this is pretty in depth, and you're not showing anyone how to do moves, but just remember that.
Also, I like how you told people to sprint a bit and see how they're moving. I do this occasionally, and some people also need the exercise.
Originally Posted by Nathan
I'd say this is pretty in depth, and you're not showing anyone how to do moves, but just remember that.
Also, I like how you told people to sprint a bit and see how they're moving. I do this occasionally, and some people also need the exercise.

Yeah some people do, but as myself, i sit there and imagine me doing it, and think about what joints i would move if i were a tori myself. thats how i've created most of my boom hits.
and no kids, this doesnt mean grab your sibling as an example!
10/10 sunny, looking forward to updates.