Original Post
Im the New Snack On The Block
Hey guys,
im the new guy
UM iff you see me in rooms you can just say hi
i think im a bit beter then over beginers cause i downloaded toribash,
i was playin freeplay for about 4mounths cause i didnt have internet so
my moves my be a bit more...advanced

Toribash is awsome game!
Allo And Welcome to the Forums if you need any help PM me or a Admin Welcome And ill See You Around hopefully ^_^

Last edited by Enzu; Apr 11, 2010 at 08:37 AM.
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers
Hey there BiscuiTBoi,

Welcome to the Toribash Community! Don't forget to 'Introduce Yourself' to everybody in the community, don't be shy.
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thanks slycooper also nice textures you have to, they look kinda cool

also how do add like a signiture, basicly a picture on your signiture
Hey welcome to Toribash.

To add images to your signature you need to purchase Toriprime. It costs $10 a year.
woo! I'm a snack too!

Anyway, nice to meet you, hope you have a great time, if you ever need any help, look at the tutorials, theres so many they cover everything. Or MOSTLY everything atleast.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Hi! I hope you enjoy your stay at the Toribash Hotel* and Fighting Arena!
Here is your room key*! The pool* is out back! Have fun, and stay safe**!

*the things that are followed by astericks are not currently available. If you booked your stay through anything other than Priceline, sue them.

**Safety is overrated...
Mammary Gland Holders of the Humanoid Lifeforms Commonly Known As, Homo Sapiens.
Originally Posted by BiscuiTBoi View Post
Hey guys,
im the new guy
UM iff you see me in rooms you can just say hi
i think im a bit beter then over beginers cause i downloaded toribash,
i was playin freeplay for about 4mounths cause i didnt have internet so
my moves my be a bit more...advanced

Toribash is awsome game!

Welcome to Toribash! Enjoy the game mate, if you need a bit of help just see me in game....I can tutor in Wushu or Judo if you need it

Win ratio of one my alts :3