View Poll Results: which operating system do you think is better?
29 Votes / 43.94%
16 Votes / 24.24%
21 Votes / 31.82%
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Original Post
"mac, linux or windows"
me and my friends have been having an argument of epik proportion, i prefer linux (although my computer freaks out if i try to put linux on, so i use windows)

my friend is obsesed with windows, and my other friend is an all round' mac user

this is pretty much how we see things

i want to see your vote on which you prefer
this isn't a vote on which runs better than the other, just announce the one you prefer, maybe try to convert others to your belief.
Last edited by waffle85; Dec 16, 2010 at 03:10 PM.
Linux is more of a programmer/developer operating system, or someone looking for a good challenge.
Windows is the most basic, straight forward internet gaming operating system.
Mac = Apple. Mac has awesome battery life and cool graphics, and is a really unique OS.
It's all your own preferences. I've used Linux and Windows, Never used a mac yet.
So honestly, to simply break it down for you:

Linux = Developers, Coders, etc. Pretty Complicated OS in my opinion. (Jalis uses Linux I think.)

Windows = Games, Simple internet access.

Mac = good iPod access. (Better than windows.) It's faster with Apple devices, and I can't think of anything else on a mac.
Last edited by DjPz; Dec 9, 2010 at 04:30 AM.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
Originally Posted by DjPz View Post
Mac = Apple. Mac has awesome battery life

my freinds mac couldn't hold a battery for more than 3-4 hours, mah sis's lap top though can hold its battery power for about 7-8 hours (its a dell, with windows)
I use a Mac as my primary mainly because I'm a musician and absolutely love Logic 9. The other OSs are pretty good too (I've used them one at a time as a primary on a two week basis just to see how they are).
Pros: Sexy looks, stable OS, perfect if your into art, music, or video production.
Cons: The prices are ridiculous, you are limited to updating/upgrading you computers components unless you spend all that money on a Mac Pro, gaming support sucks...hard.

Pros: Runs on almost any computer, fun to play around with, could be used as a primary if you just go on the web and check emails.
Cons: The mainstream software support has not made it yet.

Pros: Runs on almost any computer, good for businesses or home offices, game support is awesome, upgrading is easy as pie, can have that sexy look as well.
Cons: Virus protection is getting better, but it still needs that extra *umph* to it. To clarify, I'm not saying that Macs are immune to viruses, they're not, plenty of people have gotten them before.

No OS is *better* than the other, they ALL have their ups and downs, so no need for *better* its more of a *preference*.
Last edited by TheDealer; Dec 9, 2010 at 11:44 PM.
Happy tori is happy
I would say Mac, if you actually start off with a Mac, you'll be in love with it.
I hear it's very hard for a virus to get on a Mac.
Mac's are not that much for gaming.
Nice look.
The only bad part of a Mac, is that it's not that much of a gaming system, the price, and it's a big change from windows, and linux which most people have.
It's also good with other Apple devices.
With saying Windows there is different kinds of windows, some with high speed others with low speed.

My vote goes to Mac.
(Eventhough I use Windows never had a Mac

and, yes I don't know much about linux.)
Last edited by EmpireSlay; Dec 9, 2010 at 11:56 PM.
Originally Posted by waffle85
my freinds mac couldn't hold a battery for more than 3-4 hours, mah sis's lap top though can hold its battery power for about 7-8 hours (its a dell, with windows)

If you end the process on all of the un-neccessary programs (graphical programs, etc.) It will last longer.

Originally Posted by fbi69
I use Window and think it is better than Mac.

Never try Linux.

You can't say never try Linux if you've never tried it yourself, I tried it and it is really fun to mess around with.
Last edited by DjPz; Dec 10, 2010 at 12:17 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
Originally Posted by DjPz View Post
Linux is more of a programmer/developer operating system, or someone looking for a good challenge.
Windows is the most basic, straight forward internet gaming operating system.
Mac = Apple. Mac has awesome battery life and cool graphics, and is a really unique OS.
It's all your own preferences. I've used Linux and Windows, Never used a mac yet.
So honestly, to simply break it down for you:

Linux = Developers, Coders, etc. Pretty Complicated OS in my opinion. (Jalis uses Linux I think.)

Windows = Games, Simple internet access.

Mac = good iPod access. (Better than windows.) It's faster with Apple devices, and I can't think of anything else on a mac.

so much derp. OS has nothing to do with battery life, mac isn't unique at all, it's built on BSD. Windows isn't very straightforward at all.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
sure is confusion in this thread.

Apple != Mac != OSX
Microsoft != PC != Windows

Apple is a company that makes Macs which natively run OSX.
Microsoft is a company that makes Windows, an operating system that runs on PCs.
Macs now days come with bootcamp, so you can load Windows or Linux or whatever on to them the day you buy them. If you think "Macs have great battery life" then buy a Mac, and put Fedora or whatever on it, they are not tied together.
Operating systems have nothing to do with the physical abilities of a computer.

Linux is not 'a good challenge'.
It is as easy, if not easier to install than windows, and just as easy if not easier to use. There is no unwritten rule that having Linux means you have to play with the kernal or whatever.
All operating systems now days are equally easy to install, and equally easy to use. Look at screenshots of W7, Ubuntu, and OSX. They look practically identical. Task bar, windows, menu buttons.
None are harder to use, or easier to use.

Some people cry that OSX or Linux have less programs available or whatever. Every Windows program has an OSX and Linux equivalent. A native OSX or Linux user will have no problem with finding programs, it comes easily to them, just like finding Windows programs comes easily to a Windows user.

So what is the difference? At the moment there are 'heavy' OSs, which encompasses W7 (40gb or something?), OSX and Ubuntu; but of course Linux has a lot of lighter distros, I have seen less than 100th of W7.

Oh, and file systems.
Open Indiana and Solaris can use ZFS, the most powerful and flexible file system (Seriously, you can turn your drives in to a giant Momentus).
OSX and W7 both run inferior older file systems...

Honestly, when it all boils down to it... I think W7 and OSX are both great for 99% of users, both are solid easy to use operating systems. Linux is just as solid and easy, but it has a lot more options available. And because they are open source they often absorb new technologies and philosophies quicker than the others. Does everyone need this? No. These features make it to W7 and OSX, but it takes some time.
I don't see Microsoft or Apple making something equivalent to Chrome OS any time soon.
Linux is also generally considered faster, more reliable, more flexible, and more powerful, but I don't have the numbers to back that up (10 fastest super computers in the world run Linux though, so I guess proof that it is flexible...)

By the way, this is no where near a fair battle. Windows and OSX are esentially just 1 OS over many generation, Linux has thousands upon thousands of builds (Linux truly is the vast minority).
Linux literally has a flavor for every occasion.
This is Choclate vs Vanilla vs EVERY OTHER POSSIBLE FLAVOUR x 1000.
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Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Linux can be made to be compatible with nearly anything, and is a good OS for programmers and developers.

OSX and Windows pretty much came from the same OS and then went in different directions. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Although windows has decided to try and copy OSX features recently, which is a bad move in my opinion.

Personally, I prefer OSX, and Macs in general, because, for their price, they beat most PC's in terms of processing power, and other things. However, having them custom built is a complete pain.

Macs, and OSX because of Logic, which is possibly the greatest music software (for decent price) out there. And because I can run windows natively on a Mac anyways, for all the programs not available on OSX. And with Codeweaver software becoming better, I might get rid of Windows all together.

But really it just comes down to personal preference.

I'm just giving some simple reasons. Mebbe latter I'll go into more detail, but Good Ol' Gorm has done it already.
Last edited by EverBlade2; Dec 10, 2010 at 05:58 AM.