Originally Posted by Cloneone1 View Post
You know the law of conservation of matter? How matter isn't created, and isn't destroyed. It's always there, but can take different forms. Think of you that way, you have to go somewhere. But do your experiences? Your thoughts? In science you hear "law of conservation..." a lot. Things don't dissapear, but do these laws apply to non-physical things? Such as thoughts?

^Just a thought, a bit offtopic. I just wanted to get your thoughts going.

Well clearly because thoughts have no mass they have nothing to be conserved :3 And science tends to extend it's reach to only the physical universe ._.

Anyway I think when we die everything just goes black, our brain stops functioning and we just stop existing(mentally). We just become a clump of atoms with no chemical reactions to show we're alive that will eventually go somewhere else, maybe even form part of another human =D Or become diamond or fossil fuels =D
When orchestral performance ends and musicians disband, what happens to it's music? Does it keep playing in some intangible realm? I think not.
Abstract representations of that music will remain in the heads of those who listened, until their own orchestras disband.

The musicians eventually get regrouped into another orchestra, to play another piece.

PS: pffft, just kidding. I think we go on to live in Mushroom Kingdom.
Originally Posted by Meamme0 View Post
I love that quote ;)
"I was dead for millions of years before I was born and it never inconvenienced me a bit." — Mark Twain.

Anyway, depends on the way you die, you assume you die peacefully. If you drown, you don't just fall asleep, you panic until you get knocked out by oxygen deprivation.

I also think that some sort of eternal life ( heaven or anything related) would be the worst thing ever. Imagine the extreme boredom. I mean, seriously, life is great, but it's good it has an end. Eternal (after)life seems a curse to me.

That being said, I do fear death, I don't want to just don't exist anymore. ( Scientific believe won't kill your instincts).

The quote:You can't assume you we're dead before you we're even alive.I was alive so now I existed,and the period after my death would be my non existance.Ofcourse you can take it in a philosophical way:
Before I was born:Non Existance.
My life:Existance.
After my death:Non existance.

Death=non Existance=Before I was born.

The Eternal life thingy:Actually I'd like having an eternal life,just if it was kinda similar to this one.The eternal life conception in the christian relegion sounds boring to me because it just seems too dam perfect for my tastes.

Also,Science may have given us some valid facts and solid information about our body,and our environment.But just like we didn't know much stuff 200 years ago,and we considered some things "magic".We cannot assume that such discoveries won't happen again.Hence,we might discover some stuff that can change all of our beliefs.But,till now.Brain stops=We seize to exist.
We dont seize to exist. As our physical matter and body is still there. Our thoughts and functions simply stop. The fact is that when we die it just means our body stops functioning in every sense of the word. no brain activity, therefor no motor control or thoughts. We will simply be lumps of matter until the universe says we decompose, at which point we decompose and become part of what we started as. As onamist said on the first page. We are just electrical impulses essentially controlling a body. No electrical impulses, no anything.
The thought of reincarnation is simply just another way of the humans wanting to seem more than just specs of insignificance on one of the trillions of planets out there. Thats my opinion, im not trying to insult anyone but i think the same for all kinds of things simply trying to explain the unknown using a 'higher power' of some kind. Back to the thought of reincarnation, i personally think that it is nonsense and nothing happens after death.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Maby you pass through a gate to your own paradise wale you energy lives on.
Not as in heven or hell but more likly like how your perspective of after life is,enternal dreaming.
recreation is posable too, you just dont remember.
^That's what I was looking for.

Fuck, think outside the box, we all know half the shit I said is bullshit, but don't be so fast to turn it away. Just think about it.
Note: I will of course be making the (well-supported by neuroscience) assumption that consciousness is an emergent relation of the brain.

Originally Posted by Erth View Post
We dont seize to exist. As our physical matter and body is still there. Our thoughts and functions simply stop. The fact is that when we die it just means our body stops functioning in every sense of the word. no brain activity, therefor no motor control or thoughts. We will simply be lumps of matter until the universe says we decompose, at which point we decompose and become part of what we started as.

So what constitutes this "we" in your opinion?
A collection of atoms that once worked together to produce a conscious entity (you) is quite different from a collection of atoms that no longer work together to produce a conscious entity.

Attributes like consciousness, perception, and perspective are central to the concept of "man". When I die and my dance of atoms ceases, what lays on the ground is merely one temporary part of Odlov, but not Odlov (or even human in the full sense of the word). Odlov is gone.

Originally Posted by Cloneone1 View Post
Fuck, think outside the box, we all know half the shit I said is bullshit, but don't be so fast to turn it away. Just think about it.

Don't be mad bro.
Are you asking us to simply imagine some afterlife, or genuinely consider the possibility of one? I think most of the posters here have been doing the latter.

Originally Posted by Cloneone1 View Post
You know the law of conservation of matter? How matter isn't created, and isn't destroyed. It's always there, but can take different forms. Think of you that way, you have to go somewhere. But do your experiences? Your thoughts? In science you hear "law of conservation..." a lot. Things don't dissapear, but do these laws apply to non-physical things? Such as thoughts?

Well, there you have it. We are a form. An occurrence, a phenomena.
The matter we are made of may not be destroyed, but the very specific form that constitutes us can easily be. By a bus, for example. Is the bloody mess on the road YOUR new form? Or is it the MATTER's new temporary arrangement? ;)
Last edited by Odlov; Jan 6, 2011 at 12:37 AM.
Originally Posted by deady View Post
Personally I think the entire human race would be better off if they could STOP thinking about this question. This question has played a rather large role in a number of deaths that is, most likely, higher than any other force on the planet. Maybe its not good for us.

I honestly wish I could but its a reoccurring nightmare. For me death is the end of the line, the step into the abyss, when nothing has a meaning anymore. Thats gonna suck.
bring back wibbles
Originally Posted by Reanimator View Post
I honestly wish I could but its a reoccurring nightmare. For me death is the end of the line, the step into the abyss, when nothing has a meaning anymore. Thats gonna suck.

Why would it suck? I can assure you you will be most content with the situation
Dwelling on it while you're still alive may suck, but I've come to embrace and even like the idea (no, I'm not suicidal in any sense, but I don't fear death. I do fear the process of dying if it involves great pain, but that's healthy).

If it helps any, Reanimator, try to remember if you were ever bothered about "meaning" (or anything else) before you were born.