your art is okay, better than anything I can do

Uphold:the opener was good

the first trick was a bit slow, at least I think it's a trick, it might be just more transitioning

the next trick was okay, couldve been better

the flip was nice, it was quick unlike the first trick

the transition to the next trick is a bit twitchy

the trick itself is nice

after that everything got weird

dat bod: what did I just see?

firstly: you didn't use the full potential of the opener

the first few kicks didn't do anything

the core was okay

the elbow dm wasn't really needed in the replay

the decap looked weird, decaps should be the best part of the replay.

the replays were ok, but nothing too amazing like MrJingles said

Nuetral for me
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)