Original Post

Welcome to my Flame Shop!


  • to deal with official market rules;
  • all the offers from your side must be in TC
  • if you think you have good offer in trading/USD - pm me;
  • don't ask about more screenshots/dl's, all information and videoscreens are below;
  • buy one of the flames and get 10% off on the next one;
  • don't make stupid offers, look careful on the price type;
Prices types:
'=' - we will go no lower this price
'~' - price added eproximately
'-' - I have no idea or matter about this flame's value

Answers on the most popular questions:

  1. Yes, I'm buying flames. You may PM me for that.
  2. Every flame in the shop goes without flame particle, videos was captured without it as well.
  3. Yes, you may use video after buying flame in future.
Flames available:

Head Amber Flame

Left Hand Aqua-Amethyst Flame

Right Hand Vampire Flame

Right Hand Static Flame



Last edited by shevaroler; Feb 1, 2012 at 05:04 AM.
Ok, something with my pc was wrong xD...
So... Price are stable or can I give you my offer?

I'm interested in Head Orc Flame
It's small flame and IMO 50k is a bit too much for it :3
I agree with hempel; very interested in orc head flame but it is waaay overpirced. I'd still be willing to give you a margin, but that price is just ludicrous.

We have to go deeper.