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lets watch shaolin soccer
shaolin soccer

watch it. seriously

its an asian movie (chinese or japanese, i don't know) about some sort of kung-fu soccer. pretty funny. watch it. now.

anyway. i pretty much made this thread in search of other movies to keep me company until i get some money for better internet.
anyone know any movies that are similar to this? asian martial arts comedy thing-o's?
you make me feel like i peed myself..... it makes me feel warm :P

This is how awsome Squid is
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
Forbidden Kingdom

it's Jackie Chan and Jet Li in the same movie, and they fight with a huge fucking stick
'nuff said

That movie was seriously MEH

They could have done so much better. The plot in my opinion was shit.
lol i love jackie chan! hes australian

yer spiderman 3..... its not really that good in my opinion. the first two were awsome, but they let me down with 3
it might have just been because i did a marathon (watched the first two before going to see it at the movies) but, meh
you make me feel like i peed myself..... it makes me feel warm :P

This is how awsome Squid is
Originally Posted by SP1DEY999 View Post
spiderman 3!!!!

No. None of the spiderman movies, because the plot in every single movie is pretty much the exact same thing. Spiderbitch goes "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY POWERS, BECAUSE YOU KNOW WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, AND I DON'T KNOW IF I SHOULD BE SPIDERMAN, BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE SPIDERMAN" and then some generic villain flies by and kidnaps a girl, within 10 minutes the movie is over after an 'epic' battle. And Spiderman 3 is more like "Spiderman turns emo and fights himself".

Also; the Forbidden Kingdom was awesome. Any movie with Jackie Chan and Jet Li (and/or Chris Tucker :P) is bound to be awesome. Why? Because Jet Li and Jackie Chan are actually the two halves of Bruce Lee, who was split in half by a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris when he declared himself undefeatable.
Last edited by Ragdollmaster; Jun 12, 2008 at 03:27 PM.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
nooooo!!! on n wats wrong with emo's? lol spiderman rocks so stfu. dey were epic movies with epic battles... a classic hero movie! i mean wat did you expect from a hero movie??
oh and the last samurai was really gud...
What was the title of that chinese fantasy movie that came out a year, maybe two ago? I remember a guy turning into a crow, and and a protagonist who could run extremely fast on all fours... Ring a bell?
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
Classic? i think you mean cliché and repetitive.

*high-fives* I give the internets back to Chac :P

Also; What I expect from a hero movie is well, a fucking hero. Not some whiny little bitch. And then a plot that ISN'T so cliché and repetitive that I throw up in my popcorn bowl.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.