S81 alright. I'll pm you when I can. Tama its fine. When I applied you were probably busy planning things out for the organization.
That and a lot of other things Ken... =____=.... I'm fucking tired as hell... and I just woke up too...

Well, I'll be providing you guys with left bicep RSO tags soon... if any of you have the texture item.
the goblin
Sweet. I think we can make it.

Edit: Im working on a new sparring replay. Here it is so far. Tell me if theres anything I should do to make it better.
Attached Files
Class S- Sparring Practice.rpl (109.7 KB, 10 views)
Last edited by KenGee; Dec 4, 2011 at 10:23 PM.
Request: Student Membership
Name: PTDx (luke)
Country: England
Languages: English
I only lost in NoobSpar#2 because he kept running
2 Replays of your spars:
Attached Files
NoobSpar.rpl (429.5 KB, 4 views)
NoobSpar2.rpl (452.4 KB, 2 views)
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
Well, sparring isn't truly about winning or losing. But alright, welcome to RSO. We'll help you through the sparring rules and expectations. Both the Teachers and some of the Students.
the goblin
For all the students.
A teacher isin't teaching you all you need to know to spar.
You will get or not the hang of it by practicing and whatching other people's replays.
All teachers can do is giving you advices in how to improve and correct you in what you are doing wrong.

Tamaku you should add this to first post, add something more if you want to.
Or don't add it if you think it will hurt our org in any way.
Do you really think you're in control
What you said is just fine. And I've been thinking about adding a section for things such as those.

You were not too clear in that post though. The teachers are here to spar with you so you can pay attention to their movements. When you go against and experienced sparrer, by doing so you'll get better by watching their movements and learn what looks good in a spar.
the goblin