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[Art Job] SteamPunk ART!!! - seeking co-lab

Yes, as you can read on the headline this is not just design event, I am seeking to find someone to work with me on the art for card game that I have invented, and preparing for presentation with my friend Snake, to show it to some game company.

I would also like to find some coders that know some program language that can make games to work in web browser. It is a 2D multiplayer card game which will be free-to-play, with the option to buy cards, advance through levels and stuff like that. Since the idea is totally original I won't share any more info about it then it's needed. If you can code contact me on [email protected]

Now back to the event part:


Read what is needed to draw and submit your work. Event will last for 3 weeks from today.
Draw all 3 images described below, but only one of those 3 should be finished work (inked, colored, painted). For that image do your best. It must be drawn on 1000x1300 pixels digital canvas in 300 dpi resolution , and then re-sized to 380x494 pixels keeping the same 300 dpi rez.

Use this image that I have posted as some kind of a basis of the quality I seek. But don't concern yourself with the style of drawing. As a matter of fact, I need some different style of art to have some diversity in card deck.
The setting is STEAMPUNK, so adopt to that. If you don't know what the SteamPunk is, go Google.


1. Siege machine called Steam-powered Ballista. Make it bulky, like a WW I tank, with tank track or some kind of metal wheels, with Victorian age decorations, and steam engine. Use imagination.

2. Some kind of a defensive machine called Magnetic Barrier. Imagine what kind of a device that would be, and how would it look.

3. Big steampunk robot called Guard-o-tron R100. It should have large armor plates on body, rivets, lots of gears and stuff like that. Mechanical nightmare of the Victorian age. Use imagination.

One of this images must be finished art like the image I provided. Rest of them must be sketches. I want to see your painting skill and how good your imagination is. Good luck.


First Place: Full Beetle
Second Place: Shaman Force
Third Place: Hot Pink Relax

If I find someone who can do this I'll contact him after the event, in the mean time have fun doing some art.
If you have some questions, ask.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Feb 6, 2012 at 04:10 PM.
You must think retro. Its Victorian age. Everything is crude, design is more rough. If its the airship then its not aerodynamic, same for vehicles. All is bigger then it should be, since engine is powered by steam. Gears, pipes, steam boiler, power transmitters, iron and wood, steal plates and rivets, etc..
ezeth... more goldish =/
and no black smoke xD as i know... the steam is white lol
Last edited by Dae67; Feb 6, 2012 at 12:56 PM.
|[Essence]|GATA|Artist Co-Op|Italians Do It Better|TA|
Steam is white, but smoke that comes out from the engine that is feed by coal is black and full of soot. To get steam u have to vaporize water, to vaporize water you need fire, for fire you need coal or wood, in those age.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
You must think retro. Its Victorian age. Everything is crude, design is more rough. If its the airship then its not aerodynamic, same for vehicles. All is bigger then it should be, since engine is powered by steam. Gears, pipes, steam boiler, power transmitters, iron and wood, steal plates and rivets, etc..

I see

Originally Posted by Dae67 View Post
the steam is white lol
You're trying to find a co-worker in a land full of idiots. The few who aren't are too busy for your little children's card game.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
You're trying to find a co-worker in a land full of idiots. The few who aren't are too busy for your little children's card game.

That's a big assumption based on small amount of info.
Anyway, I'm patient man, I can wait till the event ends. You never know...
In the meantime some cards are already finished. :] Why don't you try? Making one image a day is not that much work. It's around 1-2 h job, maybe more, depending on how much details is one ready to add to piece.
Sorry I suck with living stuff, more of a interface / logotypes guy. I could go and learn about it, but I would not find the energy for that.
I did give it a try tho, but nah didn't like it.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck