Original Post
Juntalis's House of Employment
Okay, guys. We were talking and have come to the conclusion that while this community is awesome, we could make it even better. In turn, I've decided to establish: Juntalis's House of Employment. In the below fields, you will find jobs with cash incentives tacked on. To apply for one of these jobs, you need only to fill out a form I will have at the bottom of this post. Any replies made that do not include a filled out application will be deleted, and the user who makes said reply will be infracted. That is all.

Current Job Listings
You need not apply for this job. Just do it, and PM Juntalis.
Wiki Writers
Pay: 200TC - 2000TC
Description: This is one of the easiest jobs out there. You will write articles in the Toribash Wiki which can be found here. The only requirement is that the article must be at least 500 words long for you to be paid. Additionally, try to make it a decent article, at the very least. Including pictures is also a plus. You will be paid an amount depending on how good your article is.
Contact: Juntalis

Tournament Organizers
Pay: Set TC per Fighter. Will be negotiated.
Description: You will be in charge of setting up Nabi daily tournaments. Schedules, etc can be negotiated, and good GKs get rewards.
Contact: Shogan, Juntalis(Until we get it set up. When that happens, just Shogan.)


Position Applying for:
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc):
Why you want to do this job:
Last edited by Shogan; Jun 26, 2008 at 04:24 PM.
Name: toricash
Position Applying for: i would like to become a Tournament organaizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): i would like to become a tournament organaizer because in every tourney tat i have planed ther was a lot of peoples that have joined (+/- 60 players)
Why you want to do this job: i want to do it because i want help this amazing comunity, i want help all you "Nabi-Guys", i wanna feel good with myself helping you all and i like to organize things a lot
References: there are some ppeople that caan proof that i am a loyal and good person

thank for opportunity... i hope i can like you.....have a good day

Originally Posted by toricash View Post
Name: toricash
Position Applying for: i would like to become a Tournament organaizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc): i would like to become a tournament organaizer because in every tourney tat i have planed ther was a lot of peoples that have joined (+/- 60 players)
Why you want to do this job: i want to do it because i want help this amazing comunity, i want help all you "Nabi-Guys", i wanna feel good with myself helping you all and i like to organize things a lot
References: there are some ppeople that caan proof that i am a loyal and good person

thank for opportunity... i hope i can like you.....have a good day


It would've helped if you read through the whole thread. =/

Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
NOTE: On further scrutiny, Nabi Staff has come the realization that Juntalis is a retard and that the "Tournament Organizer" position is already covered by the Game Keeper position. Therefore, we will be rejecting all applications previously posted, and making note that any application after this post will be void. THANKS!

Name: marcus
Position Applying for:Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc):I own the Bounty Hunting sub-forum and organize it.
Why you want to do this job:For some extra tc and to increase reputation
References: I dont think these people will mind if I use them as references...
Yosaku, Stonewall, Homerdawkins, Happydog, Crazy_Joe, Goth, basically any members of spirit.
Originally Posted by marcus View Post
Name: marcus
Position Applying for:Tournament Organizer
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc):I own the Bounty Hunting sub-forum and organize it.
Why you want to do this job:For some extra tc and to increase reputation
References: I dont think these people will mind if I use them as references...
Yosaku, Stonewall, Homerdawkins, Happydog, Crazy_Joe, Goth, basically any members of spirit.

Did you even glance at the post above yours?

Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
NOTE: On further scrutiny, Nabi Staff has come the realization that Juntalis is a retard and that the "Tournament Organizer" position is already covered by the Game Keeper position. Therefore, we will be rejecting all applications previously posted, and making note that any application after this post will be void. THANKS!

Wow, sorry guys I did posted directly from the first page.
I did not read through all the posts.
Name: DC
Position Applying for:wikki wrighter
Why you would be a good candidate (Experience, skills, etc):as a gamer at heart and skills in publicity i know what many people want from a good game and i can show them this is it
Why you want to do this job: i love toribash and want its comunity to grow