Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
What is your professions?

Cashier/Spirits Associate at a huge liquor and wine store. I get paid to taste different liquors and sell them to people. Not a bad job imo.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Toribash has a wide array of users, I know most staff considers 98% of the community of this game forgettable so what makes the other 2% worth remembering the name about. Furthermore if that's truly the case and most users bother some of you so much why stick around?.
Last edited by AzureMage; Dec 31, 2012 at 09:33 AM.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Originally Posted by kball View Post
Is there a ban quato staff members must meet each month or week?

Even though suo said no, there is (he was probably just lazy to explain). It has to do with the forum software and the way it works, if new users join then it will take additional time to process these new users, so in order to balance resources you need to ban users. It makes sense right? Otherwise we would have to keep increasing the number of servers, but we don't have the money for that because new users don't necessarily bring any new income to toribash. So if 100 people join in one day, they need to ban 100 people in order to keep things balanced. Of course this isn't exact, because even if people are banned it takes a small amount of resources to maintain the whinebox and such, so actually you have to ban a few more people depending on the number of people who are already banned.
When things are unbalanced then you will see the forum slow down and crash and get database errors. If you remember the forum rollback at the beginning of the year, that is what happens if they don't meet their quotas and things get really bad - the forum rolls back to a time where there are enough users to balance it's load.

Does it all make sense?

I'll make a small example;

Say a forum can only handle 100 users at a time, if 10 people join the forum then we have to ban 10 people, otherwise there would be 110 users and the forum would slowly crash. So we ban 10 people.
However each banned person actually takes up around 10% of what an unbanned user takes up, we are actually at the equivalent of 101 users now, which will still make us crash (slowly). So we need to ban another user which will take us to 99.1 which is acceptable.
If 50 users joined and nothing was done, eventually the forum will roll back to when we were at a level less than 100, a stable level.

In general the lower downs (smods etc) are given quotas to fulfil, but it's up to the admins to make fine adjustments and keep the balance. If you look at the ban list you will see the smods do a lot of bans, and admins do only a few to perfect the balance.
Sometimes there is a need for huge bans when things go out of wack, that's when the ban scripts that juntalis (I think) come in to play in mass bans. Generally they target inactive users though.

I hope that helps explain why the system is necessary.
Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
Toribash has a wide array of users, I know most staff considers 98% of the community of this game forgettable so what makes the other 2% worth remembering the name about. Furthermore if that's truly the case and most users bother some of you so much why stick around?.

Well, over time on the forum you get to recognize the names of most users that have been around for a year or two or that are quite active. That's just for the name.
Then staff know lots of all of the other staff and some ex staff through association, just chatting, generally working together. Idling in the same Irc channels, etc...
You also know everyone in your clan.
Same for orgs if you are active in any.
Places like Toriprime are also pretty tight so you end up getting to know most of the guys there.

Sometimes people will just send you a Pm or a query and you just start up a conversation. All of those people are remembered.

That, for me anyway, is who I remember.

I'd imagine that people who spend a lot of time in specific areas of the forum also get to know others who spend time there. Like the art guys, replay makers, mod makers. They'd all recognize each other.

It's not necessarily true that all of the other people bother me or annoy me.
Maybe our paths simply never crossed. We never had a chat. Never played ingame.
There are a few users though who are annoying but it's generally just a small group of people who fit certain criteria. I've found that Russians who are banned are particularly annoying and tiresome to deal with.

As for why I stick around: I enjoy the users here. Lots of people are just really cool to talk to. Also I enjoy being part of the 10/10 user support service.
Originally Posted by box View Post
trying to report Tarlan.

First of all , no I don't want to report Tarlan , and what the hell ,I love this man

Second thing , I just wondered why .. Nothing wrong with wondering , now I know the answer

Last thing , I don't like the idea of reporting staff , it is just a meh.
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
Even though suo said no, there is (he was probably just lazy to explain). It has to do with the forum software and the way it works, if new users join then it will take additional time to process these new users, so in order to balance resources you need to ban users. It makes sense right? Otherwise we would have to keep increasing the number of servers, but we don't have the money for that because new users don't necessarily bring any new income to toribash. So if 100 people join in one day, they need to ban 100 people in order to keep things balanced. Of course this isn't exact, because even if people are banned it takes a small amount of resources to maintain the whinebox and such, so actually you have to ban a few more people depending on the number of people who are already banned.
When things are unbalanced then you will see the forum slow down and crash and get database errors. If you remember the forum rollback at the beginning of the year, that is what happens if they don't meet their quotas and things get really bad - the forum rolls back to a time where there are enough users to balance it's load.

Does it all make sense?

I'll make a small example;

Say a forum can only handle 100 users at a time, if 10 people join the forum then we have to ban 10 people, otherwise there would be 110 users and the forum would slowly crash. So we ban 10 people.
However each banned person actually takes up around 10% of what an unbanned user takes up, we are actually at the equivalent of 101 users now, which will still make us crash (slowly). So we need to ban another user which will take us to 99.1 which is acceptable.
If 50 users joined and nothing was done, eventually the forum will roll back to when we were at a level less than 100, a stable level.

In general the lower downs (smods etc) are given quotas to fulfil, but it's up to the admins to make fine adjustments and keep the balance. If you look at the ban list you will see the smods do a lot of bans, and admins do only a few to perfect the balance.
Sometimes there is a need for huge bans when things go out of wack, that's when the ban scripts that juntalis (I think) come in to play in mass bans. Generally they target inactive users though.

I hope that helps explain why the system is necessary.

What are you talking about?

While this makes for an amusing read, I'm rather confused at where you manage to get the idea.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Space Detective.

Admirable :o

Originally Posted by Gum View Post
Cashier/Spirits Associate at a huge liquor and wine store. I get paid to taste different liquors and sell them to people. Not a bad job imo.

Payment enough in itself, haha.
Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
What are you talking about?

While this makes for an amusing read, I'm rather confused at where you manage to get the idea.

Oh, is this not supposed to be public knowledge?

I didn't realise this is a secret... sorry.