What a great way to start a new yaer.

No more vodka and kinda broke my back...

Not sure what is wrong with it but just fucking feels
like i've been stabbed right in the middle of my lower back.

I think i didn't spill enough alcohol for BONDarenko.

Its been 2014 for three and a half hour here.
+ my left ear is allmost deaf cuz of one rocket didn't really fly upwards...
It turned right at us and explode about 5 meters next to us.
And it wasn't so small one.

Originally Posted by Orko View Post
Spill more! Quickly, before it's too late!

I shall save what i got to combine it with a bigger sacrifice later on
when i need the blessing of BONDarenko.

thanks orko ;), putting that aside, so happy new years for those who have passed on to 2014 and though i'm perverted, i think i may be slightly gynophobic
When Will Chaney take back his fucking 3,000 Christmas hats
AdelphiaF. I won full 512x512, 200k, Void Hair Color, and a flame from him in duels. To throw salt in his wounds I reported him for racism and then he flipped his lid.


He also created some threads.
Rip in peace.

Well he seemed nice. Well didn't know him well.
Tho he seems to have some anger management problems.

Well i hope the banhammah hittd him hard enough.

And yeah. Rip.
