Originally Posted by box View Post
It'd be better if you just split the clan tag from the username.

No doubt, but I'm a little hesitant to code something I have no way of testing myeslf, especially after this latest debacle. But I agree it needs to be that way and I'll put it on the list. So it's always like "(clanName)playerName", right? And clan or player names can never contain parentheses?

Originally Posted by William View Post
Ok, tested online and offline. Works perfectly..it is just amazing how useful this is.

Oh, thank god. Finally! Thanks for hanging in there.

The command to suppress move names (along with the help command) will be the first thing I implement next time I work on it, which is...right now.
Last edited by dotproduct; Dec 15, 2014 at 07:26 PM.
Originally Posted by dotproduct View Post
No doubt, but I'm a little hesitant to code something I have no way of testing myeslf, especially after this latest debacle. But I agree it needs to be that way and I'll put it on the list. So it's always like "(clanName)playerName", right? And clan or player names can never contain parentheses?

Use an alt account.

Clan names can either be encased in parentheses or in brackets. No, user names will never contain any of these characters.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today

Version 0.1
  • Initial version

Version 0.2
  • Fractures and dismembers indicated on the joint layout
  • Hovering over a joint in the layout highlights that joint in the 3D view
  • SpaceGuard to prevent accidentally spacing first move
  • Support for committing and automatically restoring moves

Version 0.3
  • Keyboard controls added for all joints ala MiniSnake.lua

Version 0.31
  • Bugfix release
  • Keyboard controls were able to manipulate joints after time ran out, causing a desync with the server.

Versions 0.32 and 0.33
  • Bugfix release
  • Prior to this release, the program didn't work for anyone else because "dotproduct" was hardcoded at the top. D'oh!

Version 0.4
  • Name of script is now officially Toribash Assistant, script name changed to ta.lua, command prefix changed to /ta
  • Completely overhauled move memory system
  • /ta set movenames N will make the random move name emotes happen every N turns. Setting it to 0 will turn them off entirely.
  • /ta set guisize N will change the size of the joint layout. Recommend values are between 50 and 90.
  • /ta resetpos will reset the GUI so that the repositioning button is near the center of the screen.
  • Added a one-time message explaining the repositioning button.
  • Added better feedback for buttons (mouseover and clicking have visible results).

Version 0.5 (released)
  • Last Opener move button lets you bring back whatever opener you used most recently, so you can tweak it or just reuse it.
  • Opp. Last Open button lets you load your last opponent's opening move.
  • Relocated the move saving buttons so they don't overlap the player info during multiplayer matches.

Version 1.0 (upcoming)
  • Add support for organizing moves into groups
  • Fix alignment of timeout indicator above joint GUI
  • Change the Mirror button to a toggle, so that you don't have to click it every turn to mirror a multi-move sequence.
Last edited by dotproduct; Dec 17, 2014 at 09:08 PM. Reason: New version
Toribash Assistant version 0.4 completely overhauls the move memory system!

You will now see buttons like this under each player's name during a match:

If you really liked someone's opener, and you want to save the first three moves, just click the [3] button.
A new button will appear, with a random name, stuck to your mouse cursor, like this:

Just move it wherever you want on screen, and click the mouse button to drop it:

During a match, you can press M to show or hide your moves. Clicking your new move button will make your Tori begin doing that move sequence.
Since you saved three moves, your Tori will automatically progress through each move in turn. All you have to do is press space!
After the third turn, you will get a message that the sequence is complete.

You can rename your new move by pressing N while the mouse cursor is over it.
If you want to move it somewhere else, just drag it there. If you don't want it anymore, you can get rid of it:

Last edited by dotproduct; Dec 17, 2014 at 01:49 AM.
Awesome, awesome update.

One note, you did not pay attention that there are the belt names in multiplayer. So, the "save moves to" and "belt" overlap.

Like here: http://prntscr.com/5hlev5
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by William View Post
Awesome, awesome update.

One note, you did not pay attention that there are the belt names in multiplayer. So, the "save moves to" and "belt" overlap.

Like here: http://prntscr.com/5hlev5

Yeah, I noticed that, too. It's fixed for the 0.5 version (upcoming). Thanks for the feedback!
Dear dotproduct, I want to give a small Suggestion. You know that you made movememory? Is there a way you will be able to make a group called for example Judo Openers, You Open it and there'll be saved moves for example Judo Opener 1 - Split, Judo Opener 2 - Die

Or is it actually allready in?
Originally Posted by oskargawel View Post
Dear dotproduct, I want to give a small Suggestion. You know that you made movememory? Is there a way you will be able to make a group called for example Judo Openers, You Open it and there'll be saved moves for example Judo Opener 1 - Split, Judo Opener 2 - Die

Or is it actually allready in?

I could do that. You can create your own "groups" by just dragging the buttons to rearrange them, but showing and hiding them is still all-or-nothing.

If I have time to work on it today and/or tomorrow I'll see if I can come up with a nice way to handle groups, and add them in.

Thanks for the feedback!
Originally Posted by dotproduct View Post
I could do that. You can create your own "groups" by just dragging the buttons to rearrange them, but showing and hiding them is still all-or-nothing.

If I have time to work on it today and/or tomorrow I'll see if I can come up with a nice way to handle groups, and add them in.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you sir for so fast answer. I really aprecciate the time you spent improving this script. I think that someday it'll be best script ever made in Toribash!

btw good job