i started playign aswell, i'm lvl 11 actually i did a 21/0 with a reaver lol, i love those.

add '' ~Void Genome~ '' for play with me
Last edited by Mosane; Jan 26, 2015 at 05:29 AM.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
I feel like the reaver is so hard to play if the human team stay together and you have bad teammates, because once you jump in if someone else shoots at you the attack gets canceled and you are fucked, smoke bombs or acid bombs will always be nice. tyrant is really good for pub stomp but when humans are good they can just jump away from your attacks and bind you with chains, flash you and all that shit.

In situations like that I recommend the leap attack its like pounce but instead of you being on top of the human its more of a hit and run. Leap attack, shadow step, and choking haze is a really good combo for the reaver.
This game seems really interesting. Definitely going to download it soon and give it a try.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
the game is pretty great, quite bad matchmaking though
add if you want to play
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
the game is pretty great, quite bad matchmaking though
add if you want to play

It's gets noticeably better once you max out your level.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by Kat View Post
the game is pretty great, quite bad matchmaking though
add if you want to play

They recently fixed the matchmaking and if you are referring to closed beta matchmaking that was because only a few thousand had the game and played it regularly. There is also new recruit matchmaking for people new to the game.
Last edited by MOGhost; Jan 27, 2015 at 02:33 AM.
I've had this installed for some time now since beta, remind me to play ezeth
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by MOGhost View Post
There is also new recruit matchmaking for people new to the game.

Yes, except that everyone can play new recruit so its kind of stupid, it says matchmaking for people under rank 10, but I'm rank 16 and I can still play it. No point to do that tho because people playing that are usually really really bad.

Played a team with only reavers that played as a team, it was really disgusting, they stood on high ground all the time and just threw acid bombs down on our heads. I mean what can you possibly do against that? its like free damage.

Originally Posted by mwah View Post
I've had this installed for some time now since beta, remind me to play ezeth

Yeah I'm definitely up for some games later, if anyone want to join me for some teamgames add ezeth on steam, should be under the name "black adder" I donno how good the ping will be, since I play on EU. Some games I can connect to america with like 100 ping and other games its like 250 ping so..
Last edited by Ezeth; Jan 29, 2015 at 09:50 AM.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
Yes, except that everyone can play new recruit so its kind of stupid, it says matchmaking for people under rank 10, but I'm rank 16 and I can still play it. No point to do that tho because people playing that are usually really really bad.

Played a team with only reavers that played as a team, it was really disgusting, they stood on high ground all the time and just threw acid bombs down on our heads. I mean what can you possibly do against that? its like free damage.

Play hunters, fire back explosive shots at them, or a couple alchemist bombs.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Play hunters, fire back explosive shots at them, or a couple alchemist bombs.

hunters probably won't work since the explosives fires pretty straight, I guess alchemist works kind of.. but its still way easier to just throw shit down than shoot on top of buildings with alchemists. Scouts kind of work as well, since arrow rain will land on top of buildings, and grappling hook might work but its risky. Acid bombs just do crazy amounts of damage if you throw many at the time so the humans have nowhere to go. I feel like Reavers are just so strong when it comes to higher skilled games where tyrants just won't cut it. Sentinels seems ok, but they won't really win you the game, you would much rather have a more solid damage dealing asset on the team like the reaver or deciever right?