Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
boner alert. They look underage, but whatever
Nice drawings, keep it up. U should make sets

Because I think they are underage (loli) lol

Anyways, really nice art man. Really looks HD.
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Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
boner alert. They look underage, but whatever
Nice drawings, keep it up. U should make sets


Yea, I already had a plan to make a set, but too lazy to start and not sure what I'm gonna to make.

Originally Posted by Rhaemondzzzkie View Post
Because I think they are underage (loli) lol

Anyways, really nice art man. Really looks HD.


I just trying to draw something sexy and cute, lol.

Hmm... maybe next I'm gonna draw a more mature woman.
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Damn son! I like it so hard, you doing awesome drawings. Keep it up!
Really enjoyed see your works, even jealous :<
Art thread | Don't bother me with requests etc, this artist died.
Originally Posted by Noir View Post
Damn son! I like it so hard, you doing awesome drawings. Keep it up!
Really enjoyed see your works, even jealous :<

No need to jealous, I believe everyone can draw too even better than me.

Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
You are good at this caveisier ;)

Hey there, thanks.

So yeah, I try to draw something... and it's topless...


And also just finished this "cutting board" which the sketch I posted before.


Not really good at making background, so mostly I only make a simple background. Sometimes I just make a stripe or other simple shape for the background, lol.
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Originally Posted by Caveisier View Post
No need to jealous, I believe everyone can draw too even better than me.

Hey there, thanks.

So yeah, I try to draw something... and it's topless...


And also just finished this "cutting board" which the sketch I posted before.


Not really good at making background, so mostly I only make a simple background. Sometimes I just make a stripe or other simple shape for the background, lol.

The eye is too big, on the uke one.

The body is too small on the girl one, or the head is too big? I'm not sure, but I really like the background looks. It's nice, just nice.
The sword looks swag tho, really nice.
The most awesome thing in your drawing is your way to put the colors on them. It's nice, I really like it tho because it's just suited the theme (for anime-ish).
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Originally Posted by Raiken View Post
The eye is too big, on the uke one.

The body is too small on the girl one, or the head is too big? I'm not sure, but I really like the background looks. It's nice, just nice.
The sword looks swag tho, really nice.
The most awesome thing in your drawing is your way to put the colors on them. It's nice, I really like it tho because it's just suited the theme (for anime-ish).

Hmm... I think it's the head. I just try to follow the scale that I mostly saw on a drawing in this style. If I make the head a smaller it will make her proportion a little different and gonna make her looks more older.
I'm gonna use 3DCG as a comparison sample.


If you try to shrink the head size of the left picture, you will got a proportion close to the middle or the right picture, depending how small you shrink the head, but in smaller scale version. That's my opinion.

But thanks for the input!

Originally Posted by kakajade View Post
Caveisier , do you draw with a tablet and what program do you use ? You could teach me how to draw such beautiful art .

Err... I believe I already told it on my first post.
Yes, I'm using tablet. The software is PaintTool SAI since for me it makes a nice line art for manga style drawing.

Teach? Errr... I'm not good at it. Just keep drawing, see a lot of other people's drawings and learn about real human anatomy(although I'm still not good at this), it will help you at drawing.
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Pretty cool stuff going on here,
For the second one, the head is a quite big for the body, which, if you were drawing a young person, would be a good move, but its too big to even be called child-like. Otherwise, it's quite good. The shoe design is interesting too.
Wow Caveisier, these are some damn fine drawings.

I like all of them. I find these weird proportions actually sexy. I would love if you draw my tori once I am done rebuilding my style. Do you know konachan? You might try putting your art there. It's nude friendly page, don't ask me how I know that. It's I guess.

I'm back on that bull like the cowboy
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