glad to know you are a dick
this time i wont reply
remind me to fuck your mother cuz thats what im gonna do in the morning
while you sit and type ill be laughing : )
Last edited by XOsphere; Jun 23, 2015 at 04:19 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by XOsphere View Post
glad to know you are a dick
this time i wont reply
remind me to fuck your mother cuz thats what im gonna do in the morning
while you sit and type ill be laughing : )

Reported. Hope you enjoy the ban.
Let XOsphere be an example of the rule "respect other clan members." if you don't respect other clan members you will be kicked. The only reason he left is because he knew I was right. Don't Rage. Don't use caps. Don't use full bold. It makes you look childish.
Last edited by Shrymp; Jun 23, 2015 at 04:29 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by XOsphere View Post
Yeah I did kick you because you talking about me being negative
just don't say anything about it and let it go. yes you were starting something deliberately so I would get mad... and it's funny to me you joined the exact server i was in because you think you're better than everyone just like Julius. I'm having a hard enough time at home thinking about rather my dad is gonna die and while I'm thinking about that i have to argue with people like you because you don't know how to let something go. I do not care who you was talking to. But I knew you were saying something about me on purpose and i hope you actually don't say anything back because i really don't feel like arguing with you anymore. I am also sick of you reporting me like it helps the fact that you started it. Yet you never want me to say something. I am going to say something if it is about me. You have no clue what the fuck has happened to me ever. I don't know you and never want to know you, and ya sure as hell do not know me so stop reporting people just to make yourself feel better. You think your so slick don't ya? your just some nerd on the computer. I am so sick and tired of you. Later shrymp dick.

and no one can be in a clan with someone like you by the way i already have two replacements for julius and you if you leave the clan so bye if you're leaving!
they are also better than you

When will you realize that you're total shit?
By the way, if your dad dies, I'll be the one laughing, you cunt. He probably wants to die with a shitty ass son like you.
Last edited by JuliusCaesar_old; Jun 23, 2015 at 01:00 PM.
So many arguments in such little time!

I'm sad Caesar has left, He was a good player and a cool guy. Although he did get in lots of arguments :3
However I'm not sad Xosphere has left. Shrymp has already said the problems with him in the clan and why he needed to be removed.
Brutha wasn't kicked because he was grounded for 3 days. He was kicked because I gave
him 3 warnings then I also privately talked to him and said if you dont get active NOW
you will be removed. But he ignored the warnings and still didn't post until he was
finally kicked.

Ok now that that is all resolved...
New scores! Nata is in the lead atm
Nata: 57 points
Boa: 5 points
llama: 1 point
Shrymp: 1 point
If I have that a bit wrong, Please tell me

Bfh im so rusty at sparring, Please play with me sometime soon!
Last edited by Boaplitas; Jun 23, 2015 at 07:26 PM.
just won a war against (YWC) i defeated them all by myself +10 points for me
Nata you have to post before you war, part of the rules. I will add those points but only this once.