Original Post
Ray's Replay Thread
Hopefully this one gets some CnC unlike my old one
Attached Files
Ray - Dinosaurs.rpl (236.0 KB, 14 views)
Ray - Internet.rpl (257.3 KB, 7 views)
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hey there


the opener is nice but the extended knee loooks a bit weird at frame 413,the first 2 dms kick is really nice the grab is cool and the second kick is a bit lazy but u couldn't do better to keep the momentum and the speed going,the 3rd kick is really cool and the skeet too but the transition into the pose is a bit weird and the pose too.
Overall nice replay i just didin't liked the second lazy kick and the transition 9/10 (-0.5 for the extended knee and -0.5 for the transition to the pose)


the opener is ok but a bit slow,the split is quite nice but the body position after it is bad,the grab is meh and the decap ok,the pecs dm is nice. the torso kick itself is cool but could be done fastest before instead of waiting this much before it. the transition into the pose is orrible;it's twitchy and the movements r not realistic,the pose itself is quite nice but I didn't liked the ghosted arm(hold the shoulder).
Overall nice replay but I prefered the first one,in this one I didn't liked the body position after the split and the transition into the pose and the ghosted arm at the end 7.5 (-1 for the body position after the split, -1 for the transition into the pose and -0.5 for the glitched arm at the end).

Nice replays u need to have more speed and don't ghost yourself.
olso nice numbers in the name xD
Thanks Will Post More Replays Later
Alright, Here's Another Replay(First Kick Is By Tsuion, So Is The Opener)
Attached Files
Ray - Tsunami.rpl (320.8 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by RayWill135; Jul 7, 2015 at 04:01 AM.
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Screw That Replay Now, I Guess.
Here's Some More
CnC Would Be Nice.
Attached Files
[T] Unleash The Beast.rpl (252.6 KB, 13 views)
[M] New Way Of Doing Things.rpl (148.3 KB, 11 views)
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[T] Unleash The Beast: its quite good, nice spins, try not to bug legs and make them go throw each other cause it looks weird
new way of doing things

i liked the movement at first but it would have been better if you had some more speed in there, its kind of slow. the dms are pretty decent
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