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Ranking changes
I'm updating our ranking system. Rankings will reset every month and only some servers will have ranking enabled on them.

Whats new from today:
- Only selected servers will be ranked. "This is a ranked server")
- Before ranked matches you'll get a message. "This is a ranked match (#rank vs #rank)"
- I've enabled ranking on the tourney1-8 servers. Admins can put ranking on any server they please.

Whats coming:
- On the 1st of August I'll clear the current rankings. Yes, all rankings will reset.

On the last of the month will be able to have special events for the best players of that month.

This is still in development so if you have any suggestions feel free to post in this thread.
Last edited by hampa; Jul 27, 2015 at 09:30 AM.
Originally Posted by HASSAN2000 View Post
If the details of a match isn't shown (like with the new ranking system as an oppose to the old system) then there is nothing to screenshot after a game has been played on the server and therefore, no way to prove that the winner of the last game played was actually the winner of the last game played, or even that a game was played at all.

oh, I get what you mean.. Yes, removing the message that said who won the match and such is inconvenient :v
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by Grim View Post
What's stopping dedicated farmers from being at the top of the list every month? More dedicated farmers? My only concern is that Losses won't be punished enough. Obviously I could easily be complaining about something you already thought of, but if say rank 1 loses to rank 5000, how badly will that effect his elo(i'm assuming you're still using the elo system but within a more organized system) vs rank 1 losing to rank 2.

Just wondering if I were to play ranked all day every day of the month if my elo(? still not sure what formula you're using to decide rank) could get so ridiculous that no one can catch up.

Also will mod ranks still exist?

And will there be decay(say -0.5 (elo?) per day or -2 per week if you dont play at all)

Also will the servers go down when you reset ranks or will it just auto reset at 00:00 0 gmt?

YES! I also have this question. Thanks for voicing this Grim . Even thought i coulda done it myself(damn ninja'd)
I think it's a little good update since the old ranking system was kinda shit. Also i like the idea with that event on the last day of the month for the best players in that month. Waiting for 5.0
holy shit rank resets! yus!
Originally Posted by Hisoka View Post
That's the worst idea i hear in 4 years of Toribash,i swear.

That's how to ruin a decent rank system and make it the worst,instead of this i prefer to have no rank system.

Like what,to have a nice rank i have to play with in Public Toruneys? Wait 1 hour in queue? That's ridicolous,c'mon.

I don't know if you noticed but 90% are private servers and you want us to gain rank only in the 10% of them...

One step ahead,10 steps back.

or just make official ranked servers
many games with ranking systems have those
Last edited by b45; Jul 27, 2015 at 11:53 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
So are ranked servers gonna be a thing? Some people might not want to wait 5 minutes to be put in a que