Application for (Penta) Black Pentagram
hello, my Username is xxSkymau5xx.
I am currently at 14 years of age.
I've lived most of my life In the U.S.A.


I am not on the forums very often, though I am on Toribash almost every day.

If it is possible for me to participate I will do my best to be there.

yes, I am active and do have an interest in games.

I also play some online games such as: Grand Theft Auto 5, And Call of Duty mostly.


I am interested in joining because i recently played with Reaperos and it was quite an interesting battle and your clan seems like it would be very interesting.

Thank you!
Last edited by xXSkymau5Xx; Oct 30, 2015 at 11:42 PM.
Originally Posted by xXSkymau5Xx View Post
hello, my Username is xxSkymau5xx.
I am currently at 14 years of age.
I've lived most of my life In the U.S.A.


I am not on the forums very often, though I am on Toribash almost every day.

If it is possible for me to participate I will do my best to be there.

yes, I am active and do have an interest in games.

I also play some online games such as: Grand Theft Auto 5, And Call of Duty mostly.


I am interested in joining because i recently played with Reaperos and it was quite an interesting battle and your clan seems like it would be very interesting.

Thank you!


It doesn't seem to me, that you put much effort into this application.
Wait a week and apply again (With a better application).
Do it as free form not those punct form applications.

Last edited by muuhu; Oct 31, 2015 at 02:41 PM.
Describe your activity on forum and ingame: Yes

Will you be participating in events/wars: Yes.

Are you active and have an interest in games: Of course

What other online games do you play: Unturned , RTS games


Why have you decided to apply to Black pentagram:I want to join you because once I was in this clan , and I love it , I'll support you as much as I can
Originally Posted by sebek345 View Post
Describe your activity on forum and ingame: Yes

Will you be participating in events/wars: Yes.

Are you active and have an interest in games: Of course

What other online games do you play: Unturned , RTS games


Why have you decided to apply to Black pentagram:I want to join you because once I was in this clan , and I love it , I'll support you as much as I can

im active at the forums and really active at game
i will be active on wars and events.
Wery Much.
minecraft csgo
I decided to join because the clan member are really active and friendly and because Penta is a good clan!
I want to join Black Pentagram.
My first name is Nick, but online most people call me Fizzy. I am 15 years old, and am from the United States. To be honest, my activity on forums is lacking. I rarely post, and since I am just getting back into this game after a short break, my forum activity has been very low. But you can count on me to be in game almost everyday, but I do take the occasional break. Other games I play, are many different FPS games. I also enjoy playing Guild Wars 2. Also the reason I have chose to join Black Pentagram, is because I think this clan is very skilled and I am a very skilled player that can help get this clan wins in wars.