[+] challenged: You've been accepted. Welcome to [TA].
[+] darkexxod: You've been accepted. Welcome to [TA].
[+] New initiates i invite you to review my hip throw tutorial in the knowledge base. Use it to come up with 1 or 2 creative throws on uke and post them in [TA] Replays.

[!] monkeyishi: Your application is being reviewed by council.
[!] KDigityDog: Your application is being reviewed by council.
[!] samux57: Your application is being reviewed by council.
[!] tantoehard: Your application is being reviewed by council.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
Originally Posted by samux57 View Post
No test in-game?

Feel free to find any of the Council Member ingame and ask for a one or two play ingame.
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Main rival of ToriBot since 20&&
- made in Indonesia

The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
K k
I will but... I have a big problem yesterday i got a "mini fracture"?? In my left leg and for now i cant walk, sit and that stuff and i have pc... :'u
[+] Tantoehard: You've been accepted. Welcome to [TA].
[+] KDigityDog: You've been accepted. Welcome to [TA].
[+] New initiates i invite you to review Aquitas hip throw tutorial in the knowledge base. Use it to come up with 1 or 2 creative throws on uke and post them in [TA] Replays.

[!] samux57: Your application is still being reviewed by the council and I can't fucking spell for shit
Last edited by lillian; Nov 5, 2015 at 12:43 PM.

i am a bird now - Lil B

[+] monkeyishi: You've been accepted. Welcome to [TA]. Please review the knowledge base and use the hip throw tutorial to practice a couple throws against uke. Post one or two attempts in replays.
[-] samux57: You've been declined. The general opinion is that you need to develop and add more variety to your play style. Try applying again next time you increase your experience in aikido and maybe by then you'll be ready. Also bring more replays next time.
Last edited by TimmyboyG; Nov 6, 2015 at 01:38 AM.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists